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  1. blaze1981

    Police handcuff Breaker 3000

    on sale now at the unmc black market we have the police handcuff breaker 3000 only 29.99 if your into ilegal activity then these are for you , get yours now whilst stocks last 
  2. blaze1981

    Report a Player - Jakob West and Connor - Other (Action taken)

    Im am making this report on behalf of khandamir due to his posting restriction Your In-game name Steven Name of the player(s) you are reporting Jakob West and Connor Date of the incident 04/15/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 21 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server...
  3. blaze1981

    Un-ban Appeal - Finchy - 10/27/2016 (Denied)

    In-game Name Finchy Steam ID 76561197988016248 The date of your ban. Member of the team that banned you. ciaran Reason given for your ban. immature behaviour The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. i was...
  4. blaze1981

    Report a Player - [kiwi]pretty potatoe - RDM

    Your In-game name Blaze1981 Name of the player(s) you are reporting [kiwi]pretty potatoe Date of the incident 05/30/2015 Time of the incident (GMT) 18 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  5. blaze1981

    A.I Sharp Shooter

    so for anyone who wants to see how dead eyed precision the A.I are i was towing a lada to the trade zone with nigel sat in the lada when bang out of no-where nigel and the lada were sent to there deaths lmao
  6. blaze1981

    Montana Airforce

    so it has come to the attention of the montanas that the best way to make money is sling loading vehicles from around the map to the trade zone, however everyone else has the same idea so our solution was to arm our taru and chase people away from the spawns whilst our other taru goes around...
  7. blaze1981

    i can relate to this video

    well i laughed anyway  https://www.facebook.com/jerseydemic/videos/10153828071715681/
  8. blaze1981

    Remove Feature

    i was really dissapointed to see this feature re introduced to the server as its already being used by people to grief others. Only 2 days ago we raided some guys near our base but only took what we needed and left, didnt mess with there codes or remove anything we didnt need to. Now in revenge...
  9. blaze1981

    Raiding bases when gangs are offline

    i would love it if there was some way of implementing a system where bases cannot be raided unless there are a certain amount of that gang online. This would stop the bigger gangs from hiding in there bases waiting until gangs go offline then using there unlimited c4 to level the bases resulting...
  10. blaze1981

    Its only a Game

    Well ive been part of this great community for 9 months and have loved every minute, although at times i admit ive said things and done things which have made me look a right dickhead Ive lost my temper with people and spoken to them out of term, i guess i just took the game to seriously...
  11. blaze1981

    comp request

    In-game name: Blaze[uNMC] Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):76561198000555248 What was lost: Lynx, sos scope 10 mags Value of item/money lost: 2,800,000 Quick description of what happened: we were in a combat situation and i was team sniper when the server had a ddos attack and...
  12. blaze1981

    Dc chris rdm

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):DC chris Time & Date this happened: 03/12/14 22:45 Description of what happened: Plf came to our checkpoint and as we didnt know who they were in role play we let them in, also in the checkpoint at this time was dc chris who we just...
  13. blaze1981

    Desto cuntus and coach bombay rasicst

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Desto cuntus and coach bombay Time & Date this happened: 07/11/2014     23:10 Description of what happened: these two guys being racist  in side chat Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no their trolls    Please...
  14. blaze1981

    Dan (Action: Ban Issued 11/11/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name) :  DAN Time & Date this happened: 29/10/14 Description of what happened: I Was at the garage in kavala when i was surrounded by three bounty hunters dan, liam  and one other whos name i didnt get, they knocked me out and tried to restrain...
  15. blaze1981

    optimus prime (Action: Already banned by in-game admin)

    NAME OF PERSON YOU ARE REPORTING: Optimus prime TIME AND DATE IT HAPPENED: 22:15  24/10/2014 DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED: We were trying to land on a fuel station to re fill the heli when we were shot down for no reason by optimus prime HAVE YOU TRIED TO RESOLVE WITH THE PLAYER BEFORE...
  16. blaze1981

    Dave - (Action: Ban Issued 04/09/2014)

    Name of player your reporting (ingame name): DAVE   Description of what happened: I spawned in at pygros and was heading to the garage to get my car out when i was shot at point blank range for no reason by dave Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:   i messaged him in game...
  17. blaze1981

    nigall combat logging ban

    hi i would like to appeal on behalf of my friend nigall who doesnt have an active forum account at the moment.Nigall was banned this afternoon for apparent combat logging when under arrest. However the actual reason for the log out was a fault with the intenet connection in the area which went...