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  1. Edgar Ville


    Tonight after a discussion about the future of the UNMC as a whitelisted faction, the UNMC collectively amongst themselves decided to bring the faction to an end. I wont go too much into the details surrounding this but the simple version is that the issues facing the faction as a whole didn't...
  2. Edgar Ville

    Community Liaison Team

      We’re sure that most of you have seen by now that @FriendlyFireGuy has stepped down from his position as Community manager, he’s poured countless hours into a wide range of tasks such as working on events, speaking to you about the issues you encounter and pestering the development team to no...
  3. Edgar Ville

    September Announcement

    Hello all, It's a little overdue so... Malden A few of the most observant of you may have noticed the absence of the Malden subsection on the forums. Over the past month Wilco has spent untold hours of his free time working to bring our mission to Malden on top of the day to day maintenance...
  4. Edgar Ville

    Fleetwood Mac - The Chain

  5. Edgar Ville

    Community Meetings

    A couple of months ago we brought (back) a forum for open discussion and community input, it's safe to say there's been a lot of positive changes that have come from your input and suggestions on how to address the issues we face together. Recently, the issues communicated to myself and...
  6. Edgar Ville

    The Cards against Humanity Holiday Hole

    So this is another example of pointless hilarity. The more money they earn, the more time is added to the digger rental.  
  7. Edgar Ville

    Suspected GPU issue.

    So let's start off with the specs. Win 10 Home 64 Bit i7-3770 16GB RAM Corsair CX750 PSU Nvidia GTX660ti Advent Baseboard The issue, which has come on rather suddenly is upon any significant graphical load, my display drivers immediately crash, sometimes reloading afterwards, others...
  8. Edgar Ville

    Forum tab crash.

    @HoboEthan Is unable to make posts currently on the forums. <19:55:48> "Fetty Wap": Basically.. As I go to create a new post I cant type in the box to add any writing so I do the CTRL F5 fix so I can then type but once I move my mouse to the box and click to be able to type inside the...
  9. Edgar Ville

    Happy little tree stream

    At: http://www.twitch.tv/bobross Evening sorted.
  10. Edgar Ville

    You know you'd go watch it.

    Just incase anyone doesn't spend every waking minute scouring for this stuff.
  11. Edgar Ville

    Moderators forum access.

    So the forum moderators do not have read access to whitelisted sections of the forums unless they are members of that whitelisted group.  If this is intended so be it but it means some of us are unable to help in the NHS and police sections. If this is a genuine bug then could we get it sorted...
  12. Edgar Ville

    The first (and thus greatest) ALUK GTAV GOAT BYOB BYOC Treasure Hunt!

    Evening ladies and Gentlemen! After a lot of interest in a freeroam style session I am happy to announce that tomorrow (30/04/15 at 20:00 GMT) you are all cordially invited to attend a challenge of sorts. The format: To enter you must be in a team of 2 members, yourself and another. You will...
  13. Edgar Ville

    A couple of snippets from adventure night.

    After a long journey starting with good intentions and well wishes, after braving the heights of Chilliad, trying to escape the police in a couple of JCB's. After riding a train, shooting anything that moved. Myself and the @Reverend found ourselves atop the Vinewood sign. (Spot the Reverend...
  14. Edgar Ville

    Athira PD Golf Team

    After many a frustrating mission and many failed jobs; Athira has decided to field a Golf team in Los Santos. @Spunky Bumlove @Dentibus @Eoin Your move, Kavala! *Uniforms to be updated soon™
  15. Edgar Ville

    So much hype.

    Loving the atmosphere, really looking forward to this one.  
  16. Edgar Ville

    Put on your Hype pants!

    [No message]
  17. Edgar Ville

    Altis records dept. Sub s(Secure). File 34.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case file: Edgar Ville  Considered highly dangerous to matters of state and public conciousness Immediate threat level considered low, location known...