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  1. Maratek


    Need experienced players to show a Noob the ropes! a Friend of mine purchased this for me as he had some spare money, its a new and interesting experience but i have devised that i am utterly crap at it.  So i would very much like some help learning how to survive and what to do 🙂 Hit me up...
  2. Maratek

    Report a Player - Altis East Police Force - RDM & VDM

    Your In-game name SGT Maratek 7684 Name of the player(s) you are reporting The Whole of East Altis Police were Involved Date of the incident 18/07/19 Time of the incident (GMT) 20:00 What best describes this incident ? VDM & RDM Which server did the incident take place on N/A...
  3. Maratek

    We Demand A Change in Management!

    Greetings citizens of the Interwebs! To long have we suffered in silence. We Need to Make Altis great again. I will not allow this too slide I am the voice of the people the Martyr to the cause.... @Wilcos  avatar used to be a sign of a soft caring individual the fluid lines the way it...
  4. Maratek

    Lets Take over Space

    Greetings! So eve online is going F2P https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/introducing-clone-states-and-the-future-of-access-to-eve-online/ *plz no ban* And having spent many hours exploring wormholes shooting pirates and generally trolling people I'd really enjoy some interaction...
  5. Maratek

    A Great idea by TheSoldier

    I was recently flicking through my recently unread content and came across Sea lions unban appeal, Must ay both TheSoldier and other management have done a really great job, below is the linked post as it wouldn't let me quote and i dont dare comment on unban appeals. I wonder why things like...
  6. Maratek

    Help me build a Computer

    So my circumstances have changed recently I am now working alot harder hence I have a little more money than in the past. I know there are some resident pc experts in the community and its about time I moved away from my now 4 year old gaming laptop, I have been looking around the web at...
  7. Maratek

    Chernobyl Disaster

    Not often i post here anymore, thought i would post something i actually found really well written. http://imgur.com/a/TwY6q It does go into some detail with a significant number of images. Just thought I'd Share
  8. Maratek

    Police Breaking NLR

  9. Maratek

    TKC/TI RDM/Bluezone

  10. Maratek

    Maratek - Unban Request (Unbanned 26/03/15)

    Your In-game name: Maratek Your Steam Profile ID:76561198037189450 Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): c26d6df8ff02cfb4d1810159321776da Date & Time you was banned:18/3/2015 Please copy and paste the rule you broke:Breaking Roleplay 1C) Swearing at someone...
  11. Maratek

    Post whores ;)

    Who are they ? We know who you are drumming up those numbers come on step forward show your shame to the world.
  12. Maratek

    Altis late night club

    So we should get a little club going who's in the late night club between 2am and 6am at least five nights a week
  13. Maratek

    High five the person above you

    Well the ban thread is fun so let's go with the positives give a high five and a reason to the person above. I'll start with wilco as I'm first High five to wilco for bringing this great community together.
  14. Maratek

    Change of group

    Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): Pc Maratek What was lost : Police group Value of item/money lost: NA Quick description of what happened: I donated and it's changed my group from police to donator can I have it changed back so I can see the police sections please. We will...
  15. Maratek

    Other games i play,

    I was wondering what other games people Play, myself includes Arma 3 (Of course) DayZ Standalone Rift FTL Goat simulator