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  1. Reverend

    Reverend's WIll to Live. (Refused - May settle)

    In-game name: Reverend Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): I don't fucking know.   What was lost: £18,000,000, my temporary ability to hear & my will to live Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): £18,000,000 Quick description of what happened: I was a...
  2. Reverend

    MatthewMoonfull (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): MatthewMoonfull    Time & Date this happened: Whenever   Which Server did this happen on: ?   Description of what happened: See here: http://my.altislife.co.uk/player.php?steam_id=76561198019770922 - Seem legit?   What Rule Was Broken ...
  3. Reverend

    Win A Copy of 7 Days to Die!

    It's Rev again!  As a few of you know, I've been involved in a weekly podcast with my friends over at Red Hot Gamers and I'm chuffed to announce that they are giving away a copy of 7 Days to Die which is probably one of my top 5 games from last year. You can enter...
  4. Reverend

    Reverend's Gaming Rig.

    Hey guys!  I was going to wait until my new gaming keyboard arrived but I decided it's cool, I can always add more pics after. (Not used the Xbox in a few months - LOL) So here's my beast: My gaming room: Check that beasty MoBo and GPU: Recently beefed up the cooling to accomodate the...
  5. Reverend

    Win a copy of Evolve on the PC!

    Howdy ho!  Some of you may know I took part in a podcast thingy last week with my friend and a couple of lovely Texan Twitchers to waffle about last year's broken games and what we've been playing. Most of you won't know but I'll post links for anyone who has too much time on their hands. ...
  6. Reverend

    Wilco in Chernarus...

    I recently encountered Wilco in Chernarus. I think you'll agree he looks regal as fuck: He invited me to his *Jazz Hands* jumble sale: Then Wilco and Spunky Bumlove played with Nathan's bumhole: So. That was Wilco in Chernarus. 
  7. Reverend

    Pretend to Have Real Friends on Twitter!

    So, lets have a push to make some Twitter friends. Both of mine are boring.  Feel free to add your Twatter URL and name and add others in the thread. Before you know it, we'll have a Twitter army and we can descend upon the like of Bohemia Interactive and take down the social media accounts of...
  8. Reverend

    Myself and FriendlyFireGuy are drinking wine at work...

    So there we were, trying to get some stuff done and some wine arrives in the office. It seemed rude not to.  Now we're fucking around on Altislife.co.uk instead of doing what we should be. There is a very serious discussion about popping to get MORE wine and 'Doing stuff tomorrow'.  YAY FOR WINE! 
  9. Reverend

    The Reverend's Vault of Gifs.

    As the title states, here is a repository of our favourite moving gifs.  Regulars on the forum will know I get a stiffy for a good comedic gif and this place right here is where we can set our favourites out into the wild for all to see. Let me get the ball rolling:  Right. Take it away...
  10. Reverend

    Is typing warnings over direct chat a valid reason to shoot and kill?

    Theoretical question: If someone types over direct chat to put the gun down, is that a valid reason to shoot on sight? Like most people, I pay little to no attention to chat. I'm sick of these bullshit RP'ers who shoot on sight. IMO typing a warning is NOT valid RP.  So, before reporting this...
  11. Reverend

    Rct D. Kenney (Action: Ban Issued 27/09/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Rct D. Kenney Time & Date this happened: 23:30 23/09/2-14 Description of what happened: The guy was being a general arse in Athira for a while, he kept leaving and returning with little roleplay or interaction which was a little suspicious...
  12. Reverend

    Capt. Cuddles / Micheal Kelly (Action: Ban Issued 27/09/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Captain Cuddles Time & Date this happened: 0:00 23/09/2014 Description of what happened: I was attempting to aid civilians / rebels whose comrade had been run over... There were no medics online and then I was RDM'ed from behind. Have you...
  13. Reverend

    VDM's & RDM's to police officers.

    OK, so I've not been a copper for long, I'm still learning the ropes but it does seem like a uniform is an excuse for people to just VDM and / or RDM.  What is protocol for this? I mean I don't want to be getting people banned and painting a big old target on my back but these people should...
  14. Reverend

    [ABH] Jakey (Action: Ban Issued 23/09/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): {ABH} Jakey Time & Date this happened: Approx 10PM on 22/09/2014 Description of what happened: Jakey killed SGT Fuel and was apprehended by Simpan - He was being transported to Athira jail from Pygros and combat logs at 40 secs in to the...
  15. Reverend

    5,000 members but only 65 on the Altislife.co.uk Facebook Page?

    Why not follow the Facebook page, folks?  It may even drag me away from using the forum in place of my own Facebook....  https://www.facebook.com/AltisLifeUK?fref=ts
  16. Reverend

    Lord Sandisk's favourite game...

  17. Reverend

    On a lighter note: Wilco's cheap suits.

    I love these signs.  Can we get a "Wilco Wedding Suit" in game? 
  18. Reverend

    What is the altislife.co.uk Teamspeak address?

    The one I have is bloody wrong so I guess it changed.  Could someone inbox me the details and the Blessings of Sithis may be upon them. 
  19. Reverend

    The Reverend - Because I never bothered filling this out until now.

    Hello all, Some of you may know me from my exploits on the island. I have been on and off Altis since the early days and can probably remember when it was all fields. I am a retired Reverend who has for the most part, turned his back on religion though I do still dabble in the occult. I...