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  1. DylanL

    Report a player - Connah,Dylan,more listed. - Malden Life

    At no point did you mention you wanted to discuss the heli incident. You stated you wanted to talk about the RDM. This is your problem you did not try to resolve anything with me. Stop replying let admins decide.
  2. DylanL

    Report a player - Connah,Dylan,more listed. - Malden Life

    Like I said I was afk sorting my dinner out which I told you numerous times!!! This is my last comment; At no point did you tell me directly you wished to discuss the heli incident had you done so I would have. I had no involvement in any other situation that took place.
  3. DylanL

    Report a player - Connah,Dylan,more listed. - Malden Life

    No you said come to liason regarding the RDM nothing mentioned regarding the heli incident. We could spoken about it but you only wanted to talk about the RDM. At no point did you try to resolve the heli incident with myself.
  4. DylanL

    Report a player - Connah,Dylan,more listed. - Malden Life

    I was on the heli like I said but no point am I shooting directly at you.  Yes it dies matter I had no involvement in what you kept messaging me about. Not once did you message me to try resolve our issue with the helicopter. You never tried to speak to me regarding this, you only wanted to...
  5. DylanL

    Report a player - Connah,Dylan,more listed. - Malden Life

    I was involved in the heli incident which was a bit of fun and we had done before many times. I did not shoot you or your vehicle I was merely trying to have some fun. If you didn't find it fun then I apologise for that and that alone. I made it perfectly clear to you I was not involved in any...
  6. DylanL

    Unban Appeal - DylanL - Altis Life

    (C1.2) Discrimination - Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. - Permanent ban.  rule is in place so no one is felt to be discriminated by oither people, by use...
  7. DylanL

    Unban Appeal - DylanL - Altis Life

    no i dont, i dont use this language in a day to day basis it was a big mistake that will not happen again. if given another chance i will be on best behavior as i should have been in this instance. again i am sorry for using such language.
  8. DylanL

    Unban Appeal - DylanL - Altis Life

    hi george, like i said to sam i didnt remember saying the word but as in the video i cant dispute it was me, i have appologiesed for my actions they are not how would normally conduct myself and for that i am sorry. if i am aloud back to the server that i do very much enjoy playing i will keep...
  9. DylanL

    Unban Appeal - DylanL - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for DylanL  In-game Name: Dylan Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198039573846 Ban ID: 6RQ3vDl_e Reason given for your ban: permanent ban for breaking C1.2. In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned due my use of an offensive word Why should...
  10. DylanL

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    sometimes things are said in accident and arent meant, i have applogiesed as seen above, as i said to you earlier sam i dont remember this being said.
  11. DylanL

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    i dont remember calling you that so i appologies i thought i called you a "fucking idiot" but obviously i said something different and was in heat of the moment so appologies for saying it.
  12. DylanL

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    Do you have any evidence that its me in this clip as i have no recollection of this happening. 