Okay you did not get unrestraind when you get restrained you do a movement where you take your gun out and when you do that you can shot people and if you do that you bug out of the zipties
I'm sorry about i did the glitch and shot after People and kill Them.
And im sad because i Got banned i.
If i get unbannet i Will never do the glitch agian i promise!!
hello [ASOF] Hamdenlange.
so I was banned twice today for the same thing which is a bit unfortunate: /
I'm really sorry that I was banned today, I know my rp was not the best and I had forgotten some of the rules (restriand glitch) maybe had you seen it but I wrote that I would do my best to do...
okay first of all we are not full of trollers we are taking this game very seriously... But there is some bugs on the server that make people not restraind when the another guy is trying to restraind us.
and yes we went back to your trucks after we kill us self..