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  1. PipJ

    Report a Player - [TSC] Jason - Glitcher

    Again, not sure why someone would cheat against someone in an Orca whom's not shooting back or even landing to offer any threat to supposed cheater... Really 0 logic there. He was perfectly fine for us, as for the NLR, I died by food/water at Airport before I got picked up and flew down to the...
  2. PipJ

    Report a Player - [TSC] Jason - Glitcher

    From top to bottom - First thing's first, Fergu / Vexed tried to rob us at the Diamond Factory, after the whole situation they sat at Airport and both parties were hurling insults, after 10-20 minutes of insults flying back and forth one member of each party decided to go to redzone for a 1v1...
  3. PipJ

    Report a Player - Pip - Other

    You told me to holster, I holstered and you shot me, but okay, VDM'ing all day? I stole a car in Pygros and was shot at when I was driving, when I flew around the corner at top speed I hit a Poseidon member by mistake and was shot for it, go around the corner and try to swerve left after you...
  4. PipJ

    Report a Player - Pip - Other

    This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Yes - (Very questionable.) You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting Yes (Not really mate.) Won't sit and go back and forth, I didn't know the rules, the others involved in the situation said...