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  1. PipJ

    Report a player - Jouxie - Altis Life

    Yup I combat logged, no two ways about it, the whole situation was just being trolled, the second I was put in the car, all the way to the Prison complex, stood there for 5 minutes getting trolled, I was trying to talk to the Officer whom was actually giving RP, but you's kept running in, making...
  2. PipJ

    Report a Player - Mayor Coco, MasterCriminal YoCo,Twinky Winky & boab - Other

    So we're uploading old clips on a report that doesn't involve the current situation of this discussion? JayRay was comped from that clip, how many times have we been comped for the exact same situation but the other way around? I won't reply no more, but do not upload old clips that have been...
  3. PipJ

    Report a Player - Mayor Coco, MasterCriminal YoCo,Twinky Winky & boab - Other

    In all fairness, I said "Shoot them man" because it got under my skin, I seen Jaffa surrounded and Adrian pull his gun so I thought something was going down, you can see me pull a gun then chase Jayray whom is running away to set up, I literally only say "Do not pull a gun i'm going to have to...
  4. PipJ

    Fake News, we all know he looks more like a cabbage and lives in a wheelchair.

    Fake News, we all know he looks more like a cabbage and lives in a wheelchair.
  5. PipJ

    Report a Player - 2 players 1 was masked i dont know his name, other "Toca" - Poor/Low Quality RP

    I wasn't telling anyone where you were I was telling YOU where your wounded friend was. He was infront of the HEMMT on the floor wounded.
  6. PipJ

    Rules Feedback

    Didn't think Relic was that relevant to the point of you whining about GZ bants, thank's for the free clout lad.
  7. PipJ

    Report a Player - Silence - RDM

    @SGT KeirT He did sit in a Liason for almost an hour with an Admin talking to him and Snuffles about the lack of RP that was involved etc, also learning abit more about others, I think next time if you know more than someone who doesn't, don't instantly ask for an apology and maybe expand their...
  8. PipJ


    The bottom line is Winblu, it was a genuine mistake, we tried to fix it and you did not allow us, now that you've admitted it that you respawned on purpose rather than allowing us to fix maybe we should leave this here for a member of the staff team to resolve. As for the "Sarcasm" when I...
  9. PipJ


    As I said mate, we tried to correct the accidental shot, the Quilin heard my initiation but not you? Okay, not sure how that works mate. The fact is I shot you by mistake shooting at the van's hood, once you were killed we came over and tried to save you and apologized, why is that not in the...
  10. PipJ


    Howdy, I'd like to state I did infact initiate to disable your vehicle but you don't have earplugs in and people are talking in the background, I did realize that my mic has been turned down and I've fixed it so it's alot more clear/loud ingame, not sure why it turned down but been confused...
  11. PipJ

    Report a Player - Jhames Chatcher, Phill - RDM

    Toca mate I wouldn't even waste your time arguing with him. @Jhames Chatcher, I was in the first HEMTT that left, there was no initiation at all when I was there, once I started driving that's when I heard it through comms, the Hobo in the other HEMTT, not with us, told us you said to leave or...
  12. PipJ

    Report a Player - Stephanie Shawn - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Can't tell if you're reporting Shawn or yourself tbh, lengthy clip but a few things in there lad xD
  13. PipJ

    Report a Player - Beetlejuice; Taymore Mcintyre - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Did this a few times, think someone clipped it when the other one pulled up and VDM'd me into a wall to get to garage, after this we seen them again few hours after and they did the same thing except ran through us like dominos, zig-zagging to run us over as they fled then stored their HEMTT's...
  14. PipJ

    Report a Player - i don't know speciffically, it was a group - RDM

    I don't even know if you initiated on the Heli but if you traced him then shot him instantly it's kind of bollocks, then you started shooting HEMTT's with no initiation at all so people defended themselves, the boys at the front were being shot at with nothing said to them including myself so we...
  15. PipJ

    Report a Player - Alpha Group - Makhmoodshalabaz - RDM

    @Clarky boi Indeed we do actually. @pikicar As I've told you both, and anyone who've spoken to me, Relic is a group of old / new folk, we take in ALOT of new players to help them learn the rules and adapt to the Community so they can enjoy their time on the Server, now within 30+ members, I'd...
  16. PipJ

    Report a Player - Alpha Group - Makhmoodshalabaz - RDM

    Can contact Jack and get him to upload more I suppose, although the situation has been posted, 3 minutes before anyone arrived he's just eating ^^, As for the rest of the people spamming about it being a "Revenge Report" I'd ask you to stop as Jack does not play much recently and the first time...
  17. PipJ

    Report a Player - Relic, (A) [TSC] Mr Brit Whisky - Other

    Okay buddy, you and Smex continued when I clearly said I'm not going to reply anymore, I think this does involve me because it's about my Gang and if my Gang has done something to begin with I'd like to know so I can talk with them in the future to refrain from anything happening again, so pipe...
  18. PipJ

    Report a Player - Relic, (A) [TSC] Mr Brit Whisky - Other

    "I" did nothing, just spectated the full thing and seen how it's been manipulated, personally I take offence when someone wastes 40 minutes of my life driving up and down the map then letting me bleed out because they didn't bloodbag me, again, if he's going to troll and talk trash to people...
  19. PipJ

    Report a Player - Relic, (A) [TSC] Mr Brit Whisky - Other

    Wasn't your friend? Mkay, rule 3.6 = not understanding someone? I thought that rule would have been something more along the lines of... Well, eRP'ing or something, not that someone cannot understand you, so If I dislike someone and talk trash to them everytime I see them, but if they start...
  20. PipJ

    Report a Player - Relic, (A) [TSC] Mr Brit Whisky - Other

    Where is the full clip when your mate was VDM'ing them? I mean if I was getting VDM'd and trolled I would talk trash back too, the difference is I wouldn't edit it out to save my own guys, your boys were literally VDM'ing them at airport, where is that part of the footage? And for the Dexy part...