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  1. Mr Anderson

    Requesting unban from a long time ago. (Denied)

    Your In-game name: Your Steam Profile ID: Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): Date & Time you was banned: Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here"...
  2. Mr Anderson

    NHS Medic's

    thank you both for these kind words  #hank for CMO :)
  3. Mr Anderson

    £100 Donation question

    Ok i am about to donate £100 to the server and my question is how is the free billboard worked IE do i need to supply a image and if so what size? @Wilco
  4. Mr Anderson

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for not beeing active ingame for 2 weeks
  5. Mr Anderson

    Danne (Action: Ban Issued 26/03/2015)

    careful mate do not want you getting warning points
  6. Mr Anderson

    Danne (Action: Ban Issued 26/03/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Danne   Time & Date this happened: 25/03/2015 2355 gmt Which Server did this happen on: server 1 Description of what happened: i responded to a death call and there was a officer down and 1 man in cuffs. I proceded to the body at witch...
  7. Mr Anderson

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for leaving the police
  8. Mr Anderson

    Decisions on new game

    Elite: Dangerous
  9. Mr Anderson

    Ban the Person above you game.

  10. Mr Anderson

    New Mentors

    wow more cops on the mentor team  But that being said congrats all
  11. Mr Anderson

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for not promoting me to SGT
  12. Mr Anderson

    Important Red-Zone Poll

    Voted yes but i would also be happy with it being made smaler
  13. Mr Anderson

    Moobs Unban Request (Denied)

    Just a heads up if you keep bumping this they will not look at it its best to just use the edit option to add new  names 
  14. Mr Anderson

    Comp Request - 900k (Refused)

    And here are the things we are unable to compensate. Housing Storage Boxes ( Completely at your own risk - Most peoples are trouble free) Anything stored in storage ( Again at your own risk ) T Menu items ( Gold / Drugs / Clams / Oil / Salt / Copper etc etc) Houses/Garages (They auto expire...
  15. Mr Anderson

    Server 1 gone down at 1AM (Completed 16/03/2015)

    just a edit my ingame name is not GeordieBoyX its MadGeordieX
  16. Mr Anderson

    Tag removel

    can a admin remove my police tags on the forums please as i am no longer in the police
  17. Mr Anderson

    Hemmt Boxed stolen (Refused)

    Your Truck will be back in your garage unless he scraps it bud and if you have evidence of metgaming post a report
  18. Mr Anderson

    Looking for clan members

    Ok as stated i am looking for clan members to join my clan on World of tanks post here if intrested
  19. Mr Anderson

    RDM - Maximus

    Sorry for posting here but you need to use the template or the admins will not review this bud
  20. Mr Anderson


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Amir   Time & Date this happened: 16.02.15 @ 1325   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: i was ran over wile dealing with a wanted man. We got the suspect back to Kavla HQ and found out he had no mic.  ...