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  1. Mr Anderson

    Looking for Mentors!

    applied hopefully this time i will get in :)
  2. Mr Anderson

    Important! Server Updates & Donation Updates

    @Wilco just to confirm i will still have access to the shop until my donator runs out at Expires 10/04/2016
  3. Mr Anderson

    GTA: V - My tine so far...

  4. Mr Anderson

    Grand Theft Auto Altis Life UK Official Crew

    if your excepting total noobs i will join you just bought the game today http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/madgeordiex
  5. Mr Anderson

    Favorite multiplayer game from before the year 2000

    well ok do not have a image of the game but my 1st mp game looked like this
  6. Mr Anderson

    KreaseMarty - Safe Zone killing

    i can confirm this as i was there i also have a video if needed but this was on server 1 not server 2
  7. Mr Anderson


    In-game name:Cmdr. Geordie Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561198119637238   What was lost: ORCA HELI Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):500.000 Quick description of what happened: I placed 1 m900 and a orca onto abay the m900 sold and i recived the...
  8. Mr Anderson


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): GOD   Time & Date this happened:15/04/15 1545   Which Server did this happen on: 1   Description of what happened: was standing in Kavala green zone when GOD started to VDM me and he just kept going for about 50 seconds non stop   What...
  9. Mr Anderson

    Hello from Yorkshire

    Welcome to the Island hope you enjoy your stay http://www.altislife.co.uk/rules/
  10. Mr Anderson

    Fukas RDM

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Fucas   Time & Date this happened: 19/04/15 arround 5pm uk time   Which Server did this happen on:1   Description of what happened: had just finished transfering salt from one truck to another in sofia when 2 armed men came to the garagr...
  11. Mr Anderson

    Main Desync issues Solved

    WELL DONE GUYS  we all thank you for your hard work
  12. Mr Anderson


    server down again?
  13. Mr Anderson


  14. Mr Anderson

    Corrupt a Wish

    GRANTED but you would die after your 1st pint i wish i could not die
  15. Mr Anderson

    Corrupt a Wish

    granted but the bad side  effects come at you 100X faster i wish i could fly
  16. Mr Anderson

    [Game] This is why i'm broke!

    - Image  - Why would you get it why the hell not - Tag someone you think would use it aswell using the @Mention feature! all of altis life :)
  17. Mr Anderson

    Squad logo issue

    not 100% sure but it may need to be in PNG format as the car skins are in PAA format so that could be causing your issue
  18. Mr Anderson


    the ban will be a perm ban unless you post a unban request please post here and us the template http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/9-dispute-a-ban/ Also might be a idea to read these http://www.altislife.co.uk/rules/
  19. Mr Anderson

    Vehicle full of gear disappeared

    my question is why you robbing houses ? was this befor you became a cop?