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  1. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Cstaples - RDM (Player already banned)

    My friend got gunned down by the .50cal as well [He was on a top of the quilin]. We tried to contact him but he never came to TS. In pm he told me that he was screaming at us to stop. Thats all i got from the guy.
  2. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

     I have not noticed your reply. Feel free to text me on ts any time. I am usually online from 15:00 to 24:00. You can find me there almost every day. Still cant understand why you could not text me next day. And the ''story'' was not made up. He had to go. Cant you understand that? Wont tell you...
  3. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    So, i did send a dispatch to police that they should take care of you + he just tried to execute someone, he did not actually execute anyone. And i have never said that he was tired, he had other reasons to go off. At the vid your gear does not look that expensive. You can get that in few mins...
  4. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    He did. Me either, any of my friends did c: As i said, he is new and he made a mistake. You wont become professional after you read rules. It takes some time.
  5. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    I cant explain that. He just tried to, to see if it works. Thats what he said. He is new to thoose things, but it will take some time till he gets to point when he is able to deal with any situation. Everyone had to start somewhere. Rules wont teach you everything. + He didnt know that it was...
  6. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    I already explained. I was shooting, cuz we heard my friend initiate and we thought that our friend is in danger. Yes, there were 2 unnecessary kills. I already apologized for that but i am repeating myself once again. I was waiting for the vid to be up, so i could see what happend from your...
  7. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    As i said before, we were planning to go off right after the "operation" It was very late that evening, well early morning. We also agreed to deal with it next day.  The thing is, not everyone is looking into chat. Its better to message someone via PM, becouse then they know you want something...
  8. Martin Friss

    Report a Player - Martin Friss and Tomko - RDM (Players Resolved)

    We were robbing the gas station when one offroad got disabled on our spike strip. I ran towards the offroad, there were 2 men inside. One hobo and one half hobo. I told them to step out of the vheicle otherweise leathal force is going to be used against them. They got out of the offroad and...