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  1. Clark-

    Hello Diego I think you should do your lobos test now.

    Hello Diego I think you should do your lobos test now.
  2. Clark-

    In a bit

    After a long think about what I want to do I've decided to take a different approach to Arma and go and do other things. It was a blast to say the least and I want to thank you all for being some what decent people towards me, especially members of Ganja Nation and Altis Response. 
  3. Clark-

    Any SSD recommendation?

    @Javier Orion If you have a m.2 slot on your pc buy the samsung 970 evo. If you dont buy the samsung 850 evo or 860 evo.
  4. Clark-

    Rules Feedback

    Sometimes staff dont take into account that breaking rules sometimes can be justified and instead go after the number of people they can ban in a day. active, helpful and just good people get banned for the little things, KeirT got banned for logging off in a RP situation which is understandable...
  5. Clark-


  6. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

    Your mum
  7. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

  8. Clark-

    G7S Van

    Ez 900k bank
  9. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

    Mate you chat some bollocks
  10. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

    That isnt the whole initation, why would I say same with me man if there wasnt an initation on tires, it doesn't make sense. The fact that bacon has broken multiple rules, Diverging tactical info while down, Discrimination and the hot mic rule makes this seem like a report against yourselves. We...
  11. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

    I said "same with me man", I can confirm he did initate. Wheres your proof that he didn't? You had no ear plugs with a helicopter above you. 
  12. Clark-

    Report a Player - MacDonald - RDM

    Ngl, There isn't an excuse for calling me what you did,  A. You were screaming In liason and talking over us. B. You diverged tactical information to other team mates while downed. C. We initiated fine, you didn't have your earplugs in. D. It wasn't VDM, We swerved left in the video to try...
  13. Clark-

    Report a Player - Diego - Poor/Low Quality RP

    You shot me, this makes me involved.
  14. Clark-

    Report a Player - Diego - Poor/Low Quality RP

    I am commenting because I was involved, There was 4 heavily armed men standing behind you and in front of you, The black carrier rig guy (Billy), Dopefish, McDonald and Diego and your telling me driving off while they have guns drawn, on their back and ready too shoot you isn't valuing your...
  15. Clark-

    New year

  16. Clark-

    Gang Uniforms | Wetsuits

    We will like this hehe