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  1. Joey van Berkom

    How can i remove a tag in front of my name?

    You can't the tag only shows on the RPUK server
  2. Joey van Berkom

    How can i remove a tag in front of my name?

    In-game it looks like [SG] Joey van Berkom
  3. Joey van Berkom

    How can i remove a tag in front of my name?

    Hi guys, I had a quick question in regards to the tag in front of my name in-game, i would like to remove it but i don't know how. Can someone please tell me how to  remove my tag. Thanks in advance!
  4. Joey van Berkom

    Drug Dealer in old UNMC lands

    I always do coke runs and when i sell 21 at a time its about 133000 at the kore one and 200000 at kavala i dont know about the one in the unmc lands though