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  1. BabaYaga

    Report a player - FABIAN - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Niiik Triton Name of the player(s) you are reporting: FABIAN Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 01/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 19 What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP / RDM Please (in detail)...
  2. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    that's all from my side
  3. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    as i was asked unedited POV https://youtu.be/aohRy_4YEa0 https://youtu.be/CEToGW1ICKM
  4. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i have the vid of the occ chat so if the admin needs anything i will post it im not replying to anything else except if the admin wants me to
  5. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i never said idc if i get baned.(got all the evidence) U threatened to report me in occ because i didn't want to liason the situation all i said was i dont mind what you do and that i don't want to liason it idk why you bringing this up but that was a complete different situation that happend...
  6. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i have a vid of ask knocking me out and pengu zipting me the only member that was on whit them was olive thats all i have ye i will dm you the vid
  7. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i didn't speak to them because they showed a lot of disrespect by saying diferent words that should not be said, didn't feel comfortable whit the roleplay they where giving
  8. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    multiple rulebrakes in other vid's but i was not botherd about it that mutch but still something like this should not be accepteble 
  9. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i will uplode everything i have that can help you
  10. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    i have more footage but they had masks on all the time, i dont think it will help you but he is the only one whit the new tag above his name 3 people of skunkarmy where on when this happend it was pengu, ask and olive and i know pengu and ask are here long enaugh to not have the new tag  
  11. BabaYaga

    Report a player - olive - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: BabaYaga Name of the player(s) you are reporting: olive Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 13/12/20 Time of the incident (GMT): 1800 What best describes this incident ?: racism Please (in detail) describe the...