In-game Name: Kai Barry
Steam ID: 76561198137229217
Date this happened: 05/21/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I stole some art back as UNMC and mass kicks began, the time of the server was 15:20-15:22 you can check logs.
Link to any evidence...
I was at the scene of this situation, I didn't think that Lionel initiated so I did check with eldark on TS, he said he didn't. And so I tried to help in Liason and once again Deathstroke who is amazing at his work also joined to help. Nothing was getting anywhere and so I said it wasn't getting...
The correct example of role-play: I would of responded on scene and tried to negotiate peacefully as he had a hostage in his custody, I would then call for back-up, I would of then see what he wanted for the officers life and then tried to ask my higher ups if I can make this negotiation happen...
G2A or sale, the game is expensive but worth it if a lot of your friends have it. It can be a fun time. I suggest waiting for sell or buy it on G2A. But buy of different websites at your own risk.