I just suggest focusing more on rebels if you want to maintain your player base, and maybe get in touch with streamers to promote the server, maybe even pay them with some of the donation money you guys probably have a reserve of.
Well its mostly the police thats being buffed.
The new system of cars being fined is obviously going to be abused and should have been capped.
Then most updates in the past have been all about cops and poseidon.
No, because you guys are cops, I do not expect you to just shoot me. Just because you have fired upon my vehicle doesn't mean you can kill me after I get out of it.
We can go back and forth on this for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, I am strongly convinced that rules have been...
You still haven't addressed the fact that the vehicle was initiated on without a weapon out.
Next to that, just because you shot upon the tires doesn't mean I am going to shoot you back straight away. We were clearly outnumbered, this is what you took advantage of. You were looking for a...
I am well aware of the differences between police rules and server rules. That's not what this report is about.
I had a clear opportunity of firing upon you, this opportunity I did not take, which can be seen in my point of view.
I killed myself because my immersion was broken, I had no...
Your In-game name
William Lebowski
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
CI Stavik
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident
For one Pearbook@pro you need the following resources:
Plastic x1 (Made by processing unprocessed oil)
Copper ingot x1 (Made by processing iron ore)
Glass x1 (Made by processing sand)
Refined Silicum x2
Aluminium x5 (Made by processing bauxite ore collected at the aluminium mine)
If you're...
I could not reply because of my internet provider working on their antenna, try to contact me via steam so we can resolve the issue. (Im only able to use my mobile network atm)