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  1. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 166, 425 - GTA RP

    @Kenzie Blue unfortunately I haven't got my POV I came thru the doors and saw you next to my other officer with a knife I was unsure of your intentions apart from the fact you were an imminent threat and I acted accordingly unfortunately you decided to make yourself a threat and I utlized my...
  2. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 166, 425 - GTA RP

    @Kenzie Blue Hi Kenzie, You were in clear sight of me at least in my eyes as proven by the shot I took which made contact with you. it was not known to be a hostage situation I was clearing the building I saw thru the window you holding my partner at knifepoint and as per Card Alpha also known...
  3. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 166, 425 - GTA RP

    Hi Kenzie  I am PC Ozzy (425) I was the one that tazed you  I will be speaking from my point of view and the other officer will speak from his side  We had reports of people in MRPD in which myself and P/PC Garrett responded and began clearing MRPD which I would like to point out in the main...
  4. PC Ozzy

    new Cargos for Truckers

    Brief Summary: Truckers need different Loads Detailed Suggestion: Truckers need different loads as currently we can only deliver when a fuel station orders fuel which isnt ideal as some of us are trying to earn money and theres a very limited amount of fuel stations so i propose that we get...
  5. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Sgt Ozzy - Malden Life

    thanks Double
  6. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Sgt Ozzy - Malden Life

    Hey @Double Ill come speak to you in TS Just for Reference to the situation it was told to me and other officers it was an on going gunfight with posideon and Double was running into it  It came over radio that another posideon member was running into the area and I was on the road out of the...
  7. PC Ozzy

    Ban Roleplay of an Overt Sexual Nature

    Gonna be honest and although I havent personally seen this happen I have heard about it and tbh I know of a female player who was followed by a guy in game and kept saying he was gonna marry her I know he meant this as a joke but it was obvious she was uncomfortable with it so I think that this...
  8. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Teeza - Altis Life

    @James Travers
  9. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Teeza - Altis Life

    @James TraversCan do but due to shitty internet it will take a bit to upload @James TraversLongest I have is just over a min but it does show the full situation as it shows the notification of the ATM robbery and us responding to it I am uploading now
  10. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Teeza - Altis Life

    https://youtu.be/arMkBAA0prQ Here is the uploaded video which now shows what happened
  11. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Teeza - Altis Life

    I have noticed the link doesnt work and am reuploading now
  12. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Teeza - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: PC Ozzy [6419] Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Teeza Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 03/01/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1900 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Attempt Please (in detail)...
  13. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Danz4, PaulP - Altis Life

    @Bowen Orion I have no video of them getting into the vehicle and there was no initiation
  14. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - Danz4, PaulP - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: PC Ozzy [0419] Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Danz4, PaulP Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 01/01/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 2024 What best describes this incident ?: VDM Please (in detail)...