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  1. JuanPablo

    Report a player - Juan pablo - GTA RP

    Hi Alan, To begin I believe this is a revenge report as a result of my report on Alan currently on the forums for zerg/teaming which can be seen in the link below: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-1069-relogged-as-1094-1089-gta-rp.425888/ Its quite funny how you only message...
  2. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 1069 (relogged as 1094) & 1089 - GTA RP

    Player ID's - https://i.gyazo.com/5781772c37cd2984ee494604cad942b8.jpg
  3. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 1069 (relogged as 1094) & 1089 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Juan Pablo Reported Players: 1069 (relogged as 1094) & 1089 Date: Jun 28, 2024 Time: 01:30 What best describes this incident: G.11.2 - Zerg/Teaming Please (in detail) describe the incident: (G11.2) Zerg Forming alliances or coordinating in any way...
  4. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 787 - GTA RP

    Hi Merek, thanks for your time. Not sure what context you are after as the clip labelled first interaction is the intial scenario I then drove from triads to dodgy in sandy. The rule break is clear not sure what context you want as i said, so let me know. As for my audio, my medal doesnt pick...
  5. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 787 - GTA RP

    I appreciate you admitting to the NVL. As for your claim of power gaming, it was a ridiculous decision to try and rob me on your own and you suffered the consequences. Regardless of the way you feel you need to follow the rules and as a result of your NVL you yourself shut down any avenues of...
  6. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 787 - GTA RP

    First interaction
  7. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 787 - GTA RP

    Not sure how your response addresses the rulebreak. But to address your claims of NVL it was a 1 vs 1 and when you dropped your gun I downed you. It is no excuse or justification for you to then NVL because you are unhappy with the situation. I will attach the clip of the first interaction...
  8. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 787 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Juan Pablo Reported Players: 787 Date: May 11, 2024 Time: 01:45 What best describes this incident: NVL Please (in detail) describe the incident: upset he lost sit, 4 vs 1 at dodgy. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  9. JuanPablo

    Helmet Armour Changes

    +1 If implemented correctly Recent police behaviour suggests they have no regard to active gun fights or gang members with weapons. I fear if this isn't done correctly you will be giving police license to continue rushing into gun fights with their helmets and AR's inhibiting any roleplay...
  10. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    Interesting response, just to end this saga once and for all I am going to provide my full POV of the incident.  Context - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1npd9YW4iLcrY5/d1337bmii7Me?invite=cr-MSxBQncsMTUwODU5NzQzLA Clip 1 (chase)...
  11. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    I drove away in response to the comments ram him ram him - in what universe is that asking for insurance details? To summarise this is not RDM there is substantial context and reasoning for you being downed which I can provide a full timeline and footage for. This is my final response to this...
  12. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    As my clip demonstrates I apologised to you and received no response. You then jump out of your car and try to fight me. What relevance is that. I do not have to exit my vehicle because I crashed into you. to reply to this interesting comment why would I remain in close proximity and in...
  13. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    I have clips of the whole interaction. You are failing to understand this and I am finding this quite difficult to keep explaining. This is NOT RDM. From the point in which I accidentally crashed into you the RP scenario begins. You then chase me and I escape. I then find a local car and track...
  14. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    As per my previous response this is NOT RDM. RDM would indicate no context to the scenario and me beating you up for no reason. I have provided the clip of the beginning of the scenario and can also provide a parallel clip to the one you provided however for your sake I will wait for a staff...
  15. JuanPablo

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    Hello Cameron, I am the individual being reported here, let me start off by saying context matters. In the entirety of our interactions you at no point made any attempt to have a reasonable conversation regarding the incident.  This scenario begun with a road traffic incident where I...