If you wish to see your old police application then go to either your posts and find it there. Or you can also go to your message box and find the message that you got from the application. You could also go into your notifications and find it.
I have been told multiple times by INS+ you need 3 feedbacks and i provided the opening hours because that's when they most likely will do your tests and after the hours most of them just chill out in the lounge.
If you just put in an application for the police then it will be reviewed and then a Senior Police Recruitment Team member will either accept it or deny it. If you do get accepted into the police then you have to go into Teamspeak and join a channel called - “Police Recruitment Office - Join...
The bounty hunter license is meant for people who want to arrest criminals without being an officer. As a bounty hunter you must go by the law and not break it. The bounty hunter goes after people with bounty's on their head and arrests them. If you want to be a rebel then you can either buy...
So there is an award on the forums for logging onto the forums on Christmas day and making a post. I did that but never recived my award.
Here is some proof -
Probably because if people would put a 100 diffrent things in their cart and then purchase them at once all the stuff wouldn't go in their inventory and just dissapear. Also if a group of people kept spam buying a large amount of stuff then it would most likely slow the server itself down.
1. Run a anti-virus scan on your computer just incase there is a program/virus making that happen.
2. Reinstall TS3 and Arma 3 ...
Your In-game name
PC Hero
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Alvar Logi
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 2
Please (in detail) describe the incident
Me and 2...
I personally would say that it would go for atleast 100k if not more. The only people that can get AMS scopes are Armed Response and they are pretty hard to rob.
I personally would think that you still need to wear it at all time since it says: " Bounty hunters must wear the bounty hunter uniform at all times while on duty. " I would think that you going "undercover" to get someones name and going around the corner would still count as you being on duty.
You could try and use an ethernet cable if it is because of your ping.
If it isn't because of your ping then delete the mission file for the server or just delete your Arma 3 profile and make a new one.