I Created this idea a while ago but i never knew the right place to put it.
I Created this concept to provide more legal jobs and especially cater towards newer players. Just like Arma most people start off by picking fruit when first getting to the city before they realise there is nowhere to...
The answer to both of those questions is yes. By sending it to 3 people on private dms I was trying to get them to come check out the other server but it wasn't to get them over completely or remove them from rpuk I jist wanted thier opinions on it.
And yes I did say some things which I regret...
Unban Appeal for Colin Forester
In-game Name: Collin Forester
Server: Discord
Steam ID: 76561198121614176
Ban ID: C3.0
Reason given for your ban: Advertising C3.0
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe i have been banned due to advertising another GTA RP...
Thats no excuse lad it was less than 2 minutes after death i had to deal with npc's shooting at me.
You cut rp short and took the easy way out preventing me from carrying on the situation. Dont try and use an excuse lad it is very black and white.
I can send the whole 15mins lad, not edited in any way shape or form. I hide in the boot to harmlessly troll people for a laugh.
You m8 rammed the car deliberately off a massive cliff killing himself (fail rp) before tou showed up.
Your m8 could hear me fine and I could hear him. You clearly...
Report a player
Your In-game Name: Collin Forester
Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Two Unknown Players
Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP
Date of the incident: 06/30/21
Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1410
What best describes this incident ...
Completely agree. I think people are forgetting that civ arms dealers act like a middle man buying them off the groups who have the means and them selling them on to others further down the chain.
People forget these civ gun dealers have a duty to provide high quality rp while doing so. If you...
My suggestion for non player owned burglarys has already been accepted last November which relates to this post, it can be found here below:
+1 from me 👍
I think a big part of the issue is that the dealers themselves do not know when exactly they will get access to the new stock or what they are getting.
If the government was to contact each dealer specifically and inform them when the next batch was to become available they could let people...
Brief Summary:
Bring back fish bait to give the tackle shop a purpose.
Detailed Suggestion:
The main point is the (Bait and Tackle) store does not sell bait and tackle anymore which has made the store redundant.
Due to the new fishing changes fishing rods do not break anymore meaning the...
Brief Summary:
The addirion of a boat modification shop built into the Tackle Marine boat dealership
Detailed Suggestion:
Currently in game there is no way on changing your boat colour once purchased or doing any further modifications to it.
In order to change the colour of the boat you have...
Since the new fishing changes the store is no redundant so im never there like I used to be. Maybe things will be different soon if they fix it.
But overall big plus 1 from me lad +1