When / if i receive an unban from the server, i am going to ensure to Roleplay to the best of my ability and abide by the set rules within the server. Following this, my Roleplay as of today if i am unbanned would be to take a drive around the city and see if i can bump into any friendly faces...
Ok so yeah, the incident was far off from my usual Roleplay. Agreed that the roleplay was quite poor, as you say it was a get money quick scheme which i was offered to join my mate to do so i took the opportunity, i completely understand that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and not...
Hello mate,
The reason i didnt appeal in September is because i had no interest at the time to return to FiveM as a whole, i was busy IRL had alot on my plate work wise and alot of overtime so pretty much no time to bash the game out. Getting banned was the final straw for me and i chose to...
Unban Appeal for Glen OBrien
In-game Name: Glen O'Brien
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199019367614
Ban ID: !!rpuk8958!!
Reason given for your ban: Rules G7.1 + G2.3
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I know i was banned due to a situation that occured last...
Hello mate, I never broke the rules combat logging. The rules broke are the following:
(G2.3) Roleplay Everything - You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character.
(G7.1) Hostages -Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a very high...
Cheers for the reply @Stuart
I Do believe that what ive been banned for was minor, was basically wrong place wrong time, look over the evidence and its just a very minor thing which obviously has caught up on me, this being said there is no good in what i have done. Minor or major a rule break...
Ok, cheers for that. And yes, im guessing the "Economy Protection" was the alt account ban. Which is false, although after being told that it will be a perm anyway my point isnt valid. Cheers mate.
Unban Appeal for Glen OBrien
In-game Name: Glen OBrien
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199019367614
Ban ID: !!rpuk8958!!
Reason given for your ban: G7.1, G2.3 Player report
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I understand why i was banned. I Was banned from a...
Hello @Slawek, I Was the 'Irish' one in the clip. Now, apologies for the scenario you were involved in. Firstly, ive been spoken to ingame by an admin and he has explained the situation to me. Obviously from your point of view this wasnt up to your RP standards that you would expect. From mine...
Unban Appeal for Glen OBrien
In-game Name: Glen OBrien
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199019367614
Ban ID: !!rpuk8635!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.2 | Player Report
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I Completely understand of why ive been banned, ive spoke...
@Charles VaneDue to this being the case ill stand by the scamming reason i gave. We would scam in groups, as one would be on a bike behind the house and another (Me in this case) would be the scammer. After receiving the money id jump over the back onto the beach and jump on my friends bike who...
I have no idea who this guy is. As i say, my best guess is someone that i scammed for my house. I Do not know the player on the server nor do i know this player outside of the server. I know this was a long time ago. Bit of a stretch, but is there anyway you can view the logs from back then and...
Unban Appeal for Glen OBrien
In-game Name: Glen OBrien
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199019367614
Ban ID: !!rpuk4734!!
Reason given for your ban: Speak to Staff | Open Discord Ticket
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: So, i know why im banned as i have spoke to...
DCC Deathstroke — Today at 19:52
@w_Danny_w cheak after restart the car agin, then i see yo maked a comp request alredy add the feedback there.after you cheek after the storm,i will close this here now.'
Im guessing this mean to feedback on my request? the car is still the same after...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: Glen OBrien
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199019367614
The date when this happened: 06/24/21
Please provide full detail and evidence: I Was driving my car around with me mate, my mate claimed he could see the car differently and it was red with pink...
Understood mate, as ive mentioned out of anger and being pissed off i just logged off n went and done some stuff IRL. I know i broke the rule, i knew at the time what i was doing but i was just annoyed at the scenario which went down. Im not here to say 'He broke a rule so i did' im sure as...