So you're aware there is a bug with the door but choose to position yourselves to take full advantage of a "Gta Issue" is this not exploiting?
"It appears like he's teleported," you say in relation to one of your team members who was lying on the stairs.
I've already mentioned that there were...
It was impossible for you to call out to Cutlass via OOC? I would have responded if you did.
The door was closed from our side and I'm sure you are aware of this bug but you regularly use it against us.
A clip from our perspective of the door being closed and you shooting through it...
Hey Raj,
Since this clip doesn't display what I saw, I would have enjoyed the chance to speak with you about this situation.
Together with Kash, another team member was lying in front of me.
The fact that people kept appearing and disappearing makes those stairs very glitchy.
I was just...