In-game Name: (AO) E1R3
Steam ID: 76561198201734750
Date this happened: 10/12/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was just after being dropped of by my friend in Kavala garage. I was coming from the west over the hills in a Quilin so I did not see...
Your In-game name
(AO) E1R3
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
The Priest Rocky.Fx
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident...
My name is EIRE
Alri there! I’m definitely not new to this server and have been playing on this server for about two years in total, and one year on this account! I never really got around to introducing myself so here I go.
A 17 year old Irish lad from Dublin. Looking to have the craig and...
I am thinking of upgrading from my original k70 to a k95 Platinum. I have been looking around and from experience and the internet I know of Corsairs terrible track record when it comes to keyboards having scratches. Does anyone here have a k95 and does the aluminum backplate scratch easily?
Unfortunately since the K30 is quite a cheap keyboard and most people prefer to go for the K60, as such there aren’t many third parties creating key caps for it. Bellow I listed some websites that occasionally have K30 keycaps. Yes some of them look like complete scams but I have personally used...
I've been playing on this server for a couple of years and have 300 hours on the server on my new account, but still have never had the chance to Respec. Just out of interest what a the negative to Respecing, if there is any at all. Thanks for your time!
Ohh man I hate seeing this! I have had so many good times with you even if I've only known you for a short time. Mate have a good 1 and the best of luck!
I have only know you for a short amount of time but I've already had so many good experiences with you, from two close HM's and banter with you and Cammy in Elysium. I wish you the best of luck with your IRL stuff. Have a good 1 mate! ❤️