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  1. Ryan.

    Ever wanted that username...

    Could I get @Ryan Lee please 
  2. Ryan.

    Make More Items Craftable In Prison

    +1 Would also give G6 more entertainment as well 
  3. Ryan.

    Judiciary to be given power of execution

    -1 Yeah not a massive fan of this idea... 
  4. Ryan.

    Compensation Request - Ryan L - GTA RP

    Feel free to close this, it was a while ago it happened now and I don't have the evidence to show that I had these items.  Many thanks! 
  5. Ryan.

    Compensation Request - Ryan L - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Ryan Lee Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198152948117 Character ID: 41959 The date when this happened: 05/18/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: It was around 10:30pm (UK time) I was in the smeltery about to smelt 500 iron ore that I had just ran in...
  6. Ryan.

    Storage Wars

    Love this idea but instead of a bidding war I think to give everyone a fair chance maybe you buy tickets (only a certain amount per person) and a wheel is then spun. 
  7. Ryan.

    Add road name, or camera location to speeding ticket detail

    +1 This would be a good addition 
  8. Ryan.

    "Enlarge Picture" option in Marketplace Phone App

    A big +1 from me! Would be nice to open up the pictures fully on the marketplace for Keyboard & mouse. 
  9. Ryan.

    Revert to the previous "Enlarge Photo" feature on mobile phones

    +1 Its a cool feature just being on the phone screen but its hard to see photos.
  10. Ryan.

    Police Helmet Changes.

  11. Ryan.

    Report a player - Ryan Lee - GTA RP

    Throughout the night Hustlers were looking for Grove members due to ongoing beef between Grove and Hustlers as stated above. I was pretty much done for the night as it was late and my game graphics were messed up. Two bikes come around the corner all blacked out. At first no guns were pointed at...
  12. Ryan.

    Additional beds in Sandy and Paleto

    +1 More beds are needed in Paleto & Sandy 100%
  13. Ryan.

    Put NE3 on the prison wall

  14. Ryan.

    Report a player - 54, 70, 176, 350 - GTA RP

    Hello @CSI OneShot I’m afraid I don’t have a clip prior to me getting chased. I started recording once I saw them following me. 
  15. Ryan.

    Report a player - 54, 70, 176, 350 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Ryan Lee Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 54, 70, 176, 350 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 12/11/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1748 What best describes this incident ?: RVDM Please...