Yes there wasn't any VDM on the second video, but there were attempts. We were just preventing them. I'm not just going to stand there and let you run me over to prove a point and loose 200k+ in gear. Many people got killed by you yesterday, and I was on your comms clearly hearing you saying...
I don't RDM, this is a one off case, of preventing that lying knobhead of VDMing the whole town. Look at all the cars ffs, you think they randomly got left there ? No they were used for VDM by the two idiots.
I was checking names to make sure I don't kill anyone innocent and just the VDMers. And what so you want me to report him, and leave the server till they are banned ? Because If I didnt kill them they would have just crashed into our trucks or ran us over. You can clearly see them trying. He has...
Haha you're are so sad, trying to play this off as if you know nothing. This is my last reply to your pathetic answers. Awaiting admins to decide and for all witnesses to comment.
No RDM is involved, since you have broken NLR and are VDMing all the time, so rules do not apply to you. Talk all the shit you want, im not getting banned, you are. I have plenty of people to back me up on this. Now stop wasting my time with your pathetic crap
Edit: Also read the story I wrote...
Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Revolution and Matt
Description of what happened: Okay so to begin with this mass VDMing story, I am going to start by the first video which I posted about Matt VDMing a group of us for no reason:
Revolution stop acting like a complete moron, my thread is almost done, telling the whole story, along with all witnesses listed. Just wait for all people to come online and agree with me. I killed you on sight as you were VDMing the whole night and wouldn't stop. Forcing many people to leave...
Ignore this VDMing idiot, I'm currently creating a massive thread about him and Matt. Many witnesses and proof of them claiming to VDM anyone on sight, and doing it too. Enjoy your last day on altis rev.
Also why didnt you record the last 20 mins of you driving all those cars into people ey ...
This post is also linked to:
Please use that post for reference.
Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Matt
Description of what happened: Was having a random discussion with a police officer when we got ran over by Matt. I went on his and Revolution's teamspeak to ask why they did...
This has been resolved ingame, compensation was had and we have come to the conclusion that there was issues regarding voice coming through and general desync from both ends.
It's all good now, topic can be locked.
Yeah well for me it wasn't laggy. And I can do whatever I want as long as it is within the rules mate, don't worry im not mad that I didnt get to rob you, I'm sure my bank summery of 12 mil will keep me happy :)