You can't kill in green or bluezones.
You can't steal from or rob people in green amd bluezones.
weapons have to be holstered in green amd bluezones.
However you can still be arrested in greenzones.
Greenzones can't be run in to to avoid being killed or robbed.
Finally you can't steel...
A bluezone is an area that is a safe-zone placed around a police station to prevent people from going and just killing the police as when people do that is is no longer role-playing.
As I said I was new to Altislife servers and had never seen a message like that on the screen before. I assumed that all the rules in the servers were the same I just skipped passed it as I had read the rules on other servers. Now I know that that is not the case and have read the separate rules...
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
LockPicking in a bluezone
The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, Please type why you think you was...