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  1. SI Jason

    (N.L.A.) (Mr. Cow)

    better picture
  2. SI Jason

    (N.L.A.) (Mr. Cow)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): (N.L.A.) (Mr. Cow)   Time & Date this happened: 16/08/15 around 4pm   Which Server did this happen on: server 2   Description of what happened: we was attending a call me (SUR. Jason and 3 STU.) after reviving the patient and talking to...
  3. SI Jason

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for just being Daanish :p
  4. SI Jason

    China: Devastating explosion

    A warehouse storing dangerous and toxic chemicals, mainly ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium carbide at the time. Several containers in the warehouse caught fire before the explosions.
  5. SI Jason

    [TI] Gorilla.Man

    Hello I am the police officer (PC Jason) involved in this incident and i will tell you what happened from my side. I was patrolling Telos and checking out the gun shop as it is a hot spot for hobo robbers as i was getting ready to leave, i was going to pick up a member of my RTU unit the red...
  6. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

  7. SI Jason


    ok cool because i like to look through the forums and notice someone reporting a player also called Jason at this time my heart stopped lol even tho i have not played under the name (Jason) for weeks i was like WTF is this but once i check it i could see it was nothing to do with myself, which...
  8. SI Jason


    Hello All, Does anyone know what happens if someone with the same name as you gets reported for rule breaking? thanks in advance.
  9. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

  10. SI Jason

    About the 50% off Donation Goal

    I would like to see the nhs get more free items like the police do such as toolkit and maybe basic food and water (kinda off topic)
  11. SI Jason

    RDM don de kiwi

    don de kiwi also killed me just after i landed the air amblulane at nhs HQ kavala to pick up my student i will post my screen shot soon to help back up this post as don de kiwi was on a rampage no RP and breaking lots of server rules. Server 1   3M) NHS Medic's   The NHS Medics are here to...
  12. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

  13. SI Jason


    @Kakujaa the cow bit was funny until he started dropping money on my head in which i had to reset the game due to not being able to do anything for over 10mins
  14. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

    @matty-_-1988 / OneShot
  15. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

  16. SI Jason

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for trying to rob someone then ending up taking them to a atm to give them money because you feel sorry for them..... ....Im sure we have all done it
  17. SI Jason


    I stopped playing online because of the hackers :*( I've been turned into a cow had a massive rock chasing me down the road that in the end killed me and each time i came back so did the rock also had a hacker make me stay still and dropped millons of $ on my head which made the screen freeze as...
  18. SI Jason

    Papa Plays.....GTA V

    awesome video!
  19. SI Jason

    picture matching people in game

    ok so the idea is to find a picture off the internet or at home that matches someones in game name or personality please @           the person so they can match you! @GP bobmarley
  20. SI Jason

    Waffles has arrived
