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  1. Newbold

    Un-ban Appeal - Jammyd16 (Unbanned)

    @Wilco the topic on my last unban was locked so I couldn't reply, but I will not go on there tea speak no more and I understand
  2. Newbold

    Un-ban Appeal - Jammyd16 (Unbanned)

    Dear Admins  Jammyd16 has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: EXP.STk Newbold Your Steam Profile ID: jammyd100 Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198151720468 Date & Time you was banned:: EXp blanket ban Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Wilco In...
  3. Newbold

    Un-ban Appeal - Jammyd16 (Unbanned)

    Dear Admins  Jammyd16 has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: Newbold Your Steam Profile ID: Jammyd100 Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198151720468 Date & Time you was banned:: Few days ago Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Wilco In your own...
  4. Newbold

    Cbass RDM

    You said 3 seconds I was about to land and you shot me you didn't give me a 3 second countdown even though you told me I have three seconds, I'm just going to wait for and admin and Imstyles to comment as he saw how rude you were. This is an adult community cbass act like it!!
  5. Newbold

    Cbass RDM

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Cbass   Time & Date this happened: 8th July 2015, 14:20   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: Just spawn my heli, was lifting off Cbass and his group decided to try rob my heli which i was already in...
  6. Newbold

    Hemmit truck full of weed,, server went down

    In-game name: [BBB] Newbold Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561198151720468 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report):   What was lost: Hemit full of weed Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):647,000 Quick description of what...
  7. Newbold

    RDM numerous times by Jos and Buce531

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Jos and Buce531   Time & Date this happened: 02/06/2015   Which Server did this happen on: Server 2   Description of what happened: Just point blanked RDM didnt say a word just shooting random people.. on my video there is 3 RDM by Jos and...
  8. Newbold

    Server down Comp req 13:50

    In-game name: Newbold Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198151720468 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 29/04/15 13:50 What was lost: Money Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 248,000 18 Processed Heroin Quick description...
  9. Newbold

    GarryZ RDM (Banned: 29/04/15)

    Look at my post for another RDM
  10. Newbold

    GarryZ RDM (Banned: 29/04/15)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): GarryZ   Time & Date this happened: 24/04/2015   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: Was scoping the drug dealer, then all of a sudden GarryZ came and shot me in he back of the head. No Roleplay   What...
  11. Newbold

    Have a good one boys!

    **sad face** will miss you xxxxx
  12. Newbold

    No money compensated: Newbold

    Sorry This one.
  13. Newbold

    No money compensated: Newbold

    There has already been a request completed by Wilco.. But i still havent recieved money from the comp.. which is why i reopened the request. Heres the Video: https://youtu.be/v6A4NzvpfAc 
  14. Newbold

    No money compensated: Newbold

    In-game name: Newbold Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198151720468   What was lost: Mohwak heli stolen whilst rdm by these fools..                          MX 30k                           x8 6.5mm ammo                         .45 acp gun                      ...
  15. Newbold

    Unban - Newbold (Unbanned 31/03/2015)

    Your In-game name: Newbold Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198151720468 Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 181ef7c037ad2585ab46b96fb28b4e60 Date & Time you was banned: 27th march  Please copy and paste the rule you broke: RDM Please give reasons why we should...
  16. Newbold

    bigloz (Already Banned)

    I've got the full video if you want it posted buddy.. i spawned the helic and waited for a bit you didnt try rob me then??!
  17. Newbold

    bigloz (Already Banned)

    See my post for previous RDM..
  18. Newbold

    RDM by bigloz (Completed 24/03/2015)

    Why is no one responding?
  19. Newbold

    bigloz (Action: Ban Issued 25/03/2015)

  20. Newbold

    RDM by bigloz (Completed 24/03/2015)

    In-game name: Newbold Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198151720468   What was lost: Mohwak heli stolen whilst rdm by these fools..                          MX 30k                           x8 6.5mm ammo                         .45 acp gun                        ...