I'll be honest with you @Siren. I have a general idea which just falls under common sense but you might be right in saying i don't fully understand the implications of the rule i broke, If this is something you can fill me in on I'd be very grateful cause at the end of the day having a thorough...
To ensure fair play and to make sure everybody share's the same advantage/disadvantage
To mitigate this happening again i promise make more informed decisions and to have overall better judgement.
My plans are to continue developing my character, so far i have built a strong foundation and other characters within the city know me for my antics. going forward from this i aim to become affiliated with some of the bigger groups and do odd jobs for them but mainly I just wanna go with the...
Thanks for your reply I literally had no clue honestly, I'm fairly new to RP and this is the first community I've been a part of. From i was told it breaks cause it hits the floor and i should get one from a glove box my mind pieced together a false idea of why its a mechanic in the first...
Well now that i know it's an intentional feature i would say of course not. If i even knew it was a bannable offence i would never have done it, it's not worth not being able to play the server as far as i'm concerned, I'm not sure if the guy who told me this was also misinformed or if he was...
It was just a random guy i approached a couple of days before i was banned, When i first got to the city and wanted to ask questions i would use OOC but people would respond "find out in RP" so this is what i did.
Hello and Thanks for your reply
To be completely honest with you there are several reasons why i thought this allowed. After holding up a few police officers in an attempt to obtain a firearm i noticed they were breaking, I then went on to ask someone within the city why this happens and he...
Unban Appeal for NB2SLAPPY
In-game Name: Abu Gustavo
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199120942163
Ban ID: c2.2
Reason given for your ban: Exploiting
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: After being notified on receiving a permanent ban i was unsure about what this...