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  1. ParadoxRVS

    Bins Are Killing The Gang Scene

    I’m with Eze on this, because ever since about a year ago selling hasn’t been the same especially since fire station and coa hill has been removed drugs just haven’t been worth doing over bins, delivery, taxi, and trucking. Drugs just needs a revamp or a buff for people to consider them being...
  2. ParadoxRVS

    Joe Scrub

    +1 Had a few interactions with him and all pretty good. Funny guy as well. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/hYkUCTIJG8fUWgatP/d1337NarrcFL?invite=cr-MSxYUVcsMTc2NjcyNjQ0LA
  3. ParadoxRVS

    Report a player - 125 - GTA RP

    I was at this scene and intentionally planning to betray vagos.
  4. ParadoxRVS

    Compensation Request - ParadoxRVS - GTA RP

    Character Name: Gavin Graham Character ID: 76218 Steam ID: 76561199085208962 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Whilst doing the new bin man job with mates the group leaders game crashed and so we carried on as normal and just agreed to split the final earnings 4...
  5. ParadoxRVS

    Report a player - 1430, 1474, 1484 - GTA RP

    Hello mate, Gavin here, I'm 1484 and I just wanted to explain a few points. You state that you tried to resolve this in liason, but that is simply untrue as the only thing that was discussed in liason was the excecution, you failed to make any of us aware of the powergaming report that was...
  6. ParadoxRVS

    Report a player - 69 - GTA RP

    No mate 
  7. ParadoxRVS

    Report a player - 69 - GTA RP

    The Other player im not sure if he has a Forum Account but in that clip we wasn't metagaming, yes he did say shoot him but thats more of the obvious, and the only reason i knew 69 was robbing people was due to the fact with the phone call
  8. ParadoxRVS

    Report a player - 69 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Gavin Williams Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 69 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 07/03/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 11 What best describes this incident ?: 69 Broke G2.4 (NVL)...
  9. ParadoxRVS

    Silver Stone Cartel (SSC)

    Aye bro ain’t mirror park where most of cutlass hangs out so you just claiming the gas station or sum
  10. ParadoxRVS

    Custom Clothing

    +1  It would be nice to see more clothing options to enter the city
  11. ParadoxRVS


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