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  1. Kevin Wright

    Mohammed Khan

    So, he was caught drug dealin' twice and arrested, both times but a incredible amount of time, backstory and roleplay for his reasons. He went through a smaller interview with myself and then a longer once with CID. I was so impressed the first time I even let him go from the cells. Not so much...
  2. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - James Kool ID: 40 - GTA RP

    that's the last of my submissions, if anything else is required do let me know, Kevin Lucas has the NVL footage and will be posting that himself
  3. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - James Kool ID: 40 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kevin Wright Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 106 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/25/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1300 What best describes this incident ?: G2.3 Roleplay...
  4. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 685 - GTA RP

    I'll be sure to shoot you a message, I believe we're aiming for 16:00 ish
  5. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 685 - GTA RP

    Just to mention, the report isn't about you unless you were the driver, though I've seen you in that vehicle before (and died) and I'm pretty sure you weren't the driver. But if you were I am more then happy to discuss it or if you wanna talk about it in general
  6. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 685 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kevin Wright Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 685 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/23/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 10 What best describes this incident ?: (G1.8) Fail Driving...
  7. Kevin Wright

    Spencer Bumford, Abdul Hussain, Stuart Patterson and George

    sorry George, I don't remember your last name, but those mentioned already, we had a 3 and a half hour interview and talk dealing with 2 suspects who wanted lawyers after a shop alarm gone wrong. After many talks and discussions myself and Stuart altered some of the charges to be less severe and...
  8. Kevin Wright

    Potential PC Build - Help ?

    I have a similar setup currently using 1440p 144hz and it runs like a dream, only thing I would alter slightly if it was me would be the cpu, changing for a rhyzen 7, rhyzen 9 is just overkill. 
  9. Kevin Wright

    Potential PC Build - Help ?

    what kind of resolution do you play at?
  10. Kevin Wright

    New Civilian Profession: Coroner

    can have it work for when a local dies aswell, which ahppens often
  11. Kevin Wright

    Adding Restrain to the FiveM key list to be customisable

    Brief Summary: Add handcuff/Ziptie to the keybinds Detailed Suggestion: So currently Restrain is set to alt + R however with nvidia shadowplay and some other pieces of software that people use, this bind will not work if you use these (me included), by making the keybind be customisable and...
  12. Kevin Wright

    Police Value of Life

    Just some input fomr myself, if you want something to improve then you need to take some kind of action, if you don't liase with the people involved or report them then it continues. Now as for the actual suggestion, while to a lot of officers the value of equipment is invisible in their own...
  13. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 51 - GTA RP

    and then to come back and do it again outside of PD? seems very batish to me, also report was up before the message on discord
  14. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 51 - GTA RP

    sitting outside MRPD afterwards continuing
  15. Kevin Wright

    Report a player - 51 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kevin Wright Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 51 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 10/26/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1105 What best describes this incident ?: G1.3 Baiting Please...
  16. Kevin Wright

    Prison Time Re-work

    Tbh to get more than a 100 minute sentence you have to do some pretty serious crimes as it is and I know that a few officers including myself will reduce a sentence for being cooperative or giving good roleplay. Your actions should have more consideration as to is it worth the crime. A example...
  17. Kevin Wright

    Remove Standards From Gang Benches

    so no different from normal then
  18. Kevin Wright

    Remove Standards From Gang Benches

    I don't know the crafting guns involvement, but there hsould definitely be risk to it since a large percentage of gang members have guns, even after them being taken away
  19. Kevin Wright

    Speed up or Slow down

    You don't get many officers on bikes compared to the number of civs on bikes