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  1. kev111

    Unban Appeal - kev111 - GTA RP

    if i read the rules like i should off from start non this would off happend  sorry about my spelling.
  2. kev111

    Unban Appeal - kev111 - GTA RP

    i broke the rules buy sending money from my character to a friend and deleting the character to change my in game name then asking my friend for the money back at that time i didant read the rules i know what i did wrong now and it wont happen again i have read through the rules and understand...
  3. kev111

    Unban Appeal - kev111 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for kev111  In-game Name: kevin long Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199296783382 Ban ID: c2.2,G2.9 Reason given for your ban: i wanted to change my name and i was told i had to create a new character so i sent my 100k i had to a friend and made a new character then i was band i...
  4. kev111

    Unban Appeal - kev111 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for kev111  In-game Name: kevin long Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199296783382 Ban ID: c2.2,G2.9 Reason given for your ban: i wanted to change my name and i was told i had to create a new character so i sent my 100k i had to a friend and made a new character then i was band i...