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  1. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    As I said earlier this was my third and longest ban and much deserved and during the time off I have made sure to improve I provide to the server. I appreciate the time you have given me and I do want to make it worth your while. It was very selfish of me ti even take advantage of the chances...
  2. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    I will not defend any of the previous as I clearly was always in the wrong, although joined in Sept 21 I only actively started playing around March time. Like i said this is still no excuse for the actions. They were silly mistakes that could have easily been avoided if I had used my head a...
  3. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for weemz  In-game Name: Jonneh Weemzlow Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198161803120 Ban ID: !!rpuk9144!! Reason given for your ban: g4.5, g4.4, g3.1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I do not remember the actual scenario as it was over 6 months...
  4. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    I truly do believe after the initial ban my Rp improved. When I was downed I spoke in an injured manner cause I had Learned from previous mistakes. I do now remember the original scenario of the rule break of G4.4 and I do believe I RPd the injuries but it might not have been the standard to...
  5. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    I didn’t say I didn’t remember the rulebreaks I said I don’t remember the scenario which lead to the ban. That is a whole other thing. Nonetheless, I since had spent time in other servers to Improve my RP which is why I did not appeal right away. I do feel my rp has improved which is why I have...
  6. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for weemz  In-game Name: Jonneh Weemzlow Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198161803120 Ban ID: !!rpuk9144!! Reason given for your ban: g4.5, g4.4, g3.1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I do not remember the exact scenario that lead to the ban expect...
  7. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    g4.4 g.13 g3.1 Not RPing injuries, Baiting and Metagaming These are the rules broken. Although, i did not metagame or bait. I do understand why these rules are in place. This RP is server is as realistic as can be so to break these rules does not allow everyone to have the best RP experience...
  8. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    I will 100% be mindful of the rules as the time off from the server which is now close to 2 weeks I have read over rules extensively.  I truly believe if given another chance, these situations will not occur again as I have learnt from the mistakes. My RP is improving and moments like this...
  9. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    When I said that phrase it was me hot micing as I mentioned which is why I do not say it again, I realised when he replied saying what did you say I realised. It was something said in the heat of the moment. with no rping in both situations, I am still improving myself on this and as stated...
  10. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    I wont defend my actions as i know they are not justfied at all. I understand all injuries should be RPd and normally in these instances i have improved the RP and i will continue to do so as it is something i am improving on. Every mistake i make is a learning curve for me and i do feel from...
  11. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    Honestly, I know honesty is the best way to go about it and I am being honest. Im not sure which point the situation was watched from but i genuinely started to kick the car once my friend had been locked inside it. If it looked like I was baiting then I do apologise and will try to make it more...
  12. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    So you admit you never tried to resolve the situation with me? This report was definetly done in spite. It was not a random civilliam, It was a cop. I saw him afterwards but do not know his name.  I was originally at Pillbox to check in as my player was injured. It was only then i recieved a...
  13. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    Besides saying ID out loud and stopping my RP once your colleagues broke RP and attacked someone who complied what else did i do wrong? You also never told me why you ticked you tried to solve it when you never once asked me to join discord/TS. Maybe if you spoke to me we could've told our...
  14. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    There was so many people around pillbox, you can see in the clip. You can refuse medical treatment i have been told. Yeah i stopped RPing injuries when you beat up my friend when he complied, i agree this was wrong. Me and my group? So you admit, you're literally picking us out? Sounds like a...
  15. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    I finally got around to watching the clips, Only thing i feel I did wrong was say you're ID out loud. I wasn't sure if this is allowed or not as i have my ID mentioned by other people aloud. On the clip, i did nothing wrong i feel. you shot my friend dead, i reveresed into you guys to...
  16. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    Nah, not right. Was kicking car at auto exotic when my mate was locked in. He then locked onto my friend ready to attack him so we fought. And no I did not tell anyone where I was, if a few of my friends are in hospital and 2 are missing where could they be? It’s very common to check the pier...
  17. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    Sunday? Why do I have to wait that long. I was downed AFTER i got shot in the car. How do you think I got out the car. You made up a whole scenario in your head to type up a report. Like i said ask Barker, he literally shot me? That is a pathetic excuse, you are a cop. your character is a rat...
  18. weemz

    Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for weemz  In-game Name: Jonneh Weemzlow Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198161803116 Ban ID: g4.4 g.13 g3.1 Reason given for your ban: NLR, Baiting, Metagming (Using OOC information) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I honestly don't know why I...
  19. weemz

    Report a player - 926 - GTA RP

    What the hell is this? I am allowed to refuse medical treatment. Why don’t you include the part where you start stealing food out my inventory and saying you didn’t do so? And what do you mean I called you a snitch and a rat because of a report? You’re literally a cop, the definition of a snitch...
  20. weemz

    Report a player - 777 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Jonneh Weemzlow Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 777 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 06/03/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 23 What best describes this incident ?: Combat Log Please...