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  1. bgj

    When do many grains of sand become a pile of sand?

    When do many grains of sand become a pile of sand?
  2. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    for sure man ill grind through the storyline aswell. online willl probably launch like a week or 2 3 later
  3. bgj

    Milsim Open Test Scenario #3

    allright ill try to be there but not sure yet
  4. bgj

    Happy birthday. Now get wasted.

    Happy birthday. Now get wasted.
  5. bgj

    Milsim Open Test Scenario #3

    how in depth is the roleplay in this milsim? because i play in another milsim atm and these guys use reallife tactics and callouts. and how are the roles decided?
  6. bgj

    Anyone got Red Orchestra 2?

    #me2 nut i cant atm
  7. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    get ready boiis youll be needing 107gb. the game itself weighs 99gb on ps4. digital will require another 50gb ontop of that. while xbox one owners will be needing a nice 107 gb.
  8. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

  9. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    it officially leaked and its something like 83gb for ps4 idk why they said 105gb maybe later updates or online :s 10 min until release trailer and im at work 
  10. bgj

    The Trashpacker

    Best of luck to him. Nowadays the world need more people like him. ill be sure to tell my friends Groetjes uit Amsterdam 😉 
  11. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    finally, somebody who understands it xD
  12. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    RDR2 for sure. idk im not a fan of bo and i think the new assasins creed is nothing like how its supposed to be.
  13. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    i hope so so we can mod and cheat in online again but probably because gta5 online on pc went to shit theyll wont do it. but lets hope right 😉 
  14. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Everyone excited for RDR2? On what console will you be playing? And are you going to play honorable or definitely not If on ps4 and looking for a partner when online releases, hit me up: bgj10
  15. bgj

    Report a Player - (TGB) PV2. Malwaka - RDM

    Dear Mike polo, We ended the whole shit storm when we left the Teamspeak. We talked about it between ourselves for a good 10 minutes and after we all went to sleep to have a good night rest. But Mike please next time come to speak to use if you can't sleep because of these matters. We had...
  16. bgj

    Report a Player - (TGB) PV2. Malwaka - RDM

    During the teamspeak conversation you threatened us by saying if we wouldnt comp you would take this to he forum. So to end it peacefully we desided to be polite and comp u for your gear. Never the less you still go to the forums? Is this to bully us? Because as i remember thats breaking the...
  17. bgj

    Where to watch Game of Thrones (UK)?

    use stremio you can watch many movies and series there for free
  18. bgj

    An Introduction long overdue

    +1 respect Welcome m8. looking forward seeing you ingame 😉 
  19. bgj

    Forza Horizon 4

    depends on what console youre getting it for
  20. bgj

    Rate My Rig

    but the real question is can it run 15 chrome tabs while playing arma