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  1. bgj

    Rainbow six siege

    So i've recently bought myself Rainbow six siege. Although i like the game I totally suck at it. and i understand that to get good at it you have to play it allot, but like in csgo there are helpfull websites, youtube channels and streamers that explain some things well. If you play the game or...
  2. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    hahaha aint that right. im still at 64% i just want to enjoy it so i wont end it anytime soon.
  3. bgj

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for being a shitposting redneck farmer
  4. bgj

    Fallout76 36 euro 3 hours

    I heard people say that, but they ruined my thrust. they lied to me *insert crying cat meme*
  5. bgj

    Fallout76 36 euro 3 hours

    ikr i wanted to lure people into wasting their money. no jk incase people actually wanted to buy the game. cant blame them. who hasnt wasted their money on a shit game #nomansky #spintire #stronghold3 #battlefield1
  6. bgj

    Fallout76 36 euro 3 hours

    fallout 76 europe key for just 36.49 euro https://www.g2a.com/en/best-offers/weeklysale?adid=gb-en-jpg-d-ws16112018&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzZ_o7aHg3gIV4cHmCh0rqQSiEAEYASAAEgI5rPD_BwE&id=13
  7. bgj

    Battlefield V

    ive lost faith since bf1, but tbh you make me doubt buying it again. i dont like how many weapons are in the game. i find around 10 weapons per class alright. like in bf1 everytime i got killed by someone i had to find out about a new weapon used in ww1. when its on sale ill consider getting it.
  8. bgj

    Fallout 76

    not really hyped at all fallout 4 was a let down for me. Maybe if my friends buy ill get it but probably not.
  9. bgj

    I've been away for two weeks now. I've been really busy. But ill be back asap!

    I've been away for two weeks now. I've been really busy. But ill be back asap!
  10. bgj


    They did find files for pc in the RDR2 folders. so their might be a chance, but you never know with Rockstar
  11. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    @SGT Robert Ramirez Why not man im sure youll love it
  12. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    @Saul Goodman im just looking at my screen doing nothing. i just cant wait to play this game. 6 more hours till i can play
  13. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    My fellow partners it has been a honour to share this forum thread with you guys. But the moment has finally come. Lets go, and play the shit out of this game.  Unfortunately I work till 19:00 today so have to wait :s 
  14. bgj

    Metro 2033 FREE STEAM

  15. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    saw it on reddit right after i posted it my mistake partner
  16. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Watch page one @Dean Molay I posted it there
  17. bgj

    Let me introduce myself

    No hard feelings. Just friends fighting a war against each other 😉 
  18. bgj

    Let me introduce myself

    Well my name is Bart. My nicknames are Bird, The Jew (i always lend people money to ask interest) and Putin (because i love Russia). Living for 19 years already. I'm from The Netherlands, but atm i follow internship in the UK. I study architecture,  so if you need any help building a house on...
  19. bgj

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Ladies and gentlemen we got him.  Yesterday night new gameplay leak (no spoiler just gunfight)
  20. bgj

    perfect thanks finale i understand. my whole life has been a lie. Are you going to join a gang...

    perfect thanks finale i understand. my whole life has been a lie. Are you going to join a gang or nhs or police?