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  1. Danny Rodgers

    Harley Davidson fatboy issue

    The harley davidson fatboy has a weird bug with its colour during light areas and also if it falls over on a certain side you cannot pick the bloody thing back up unless someone rams it onto its other side. Love the bike love the sound just really frustrating if you get knocked off it or someone...
  2. Danny Rodgers

    Mining / Gathering Suggestion

    The mechanic part yea I can agree on due to being a mechanic nothing is simple to fix so fast, but failing to clean a car??? Abit far. Wood gathering was a long enough process as it was without a mini game now added to each piece of wood. I'd say the mini game be kept on fixing cars and lock...
  3. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 256 - GTA RP

    Appreciate what you and Stuart did for us don't get us wrong. It's just been blown way overboard when it could of been resolved as stated but he's decided to take it this far.
  4. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 256 - GTA RP

    After reading all of this report and being a player who was there at the time of this happening. To me the fact the officer had singled out just this guy from a group of people who where all saying the exact same thing to this officer. Kinda betrays him on a vendetta to punish someone who other...