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  1. OriginalQuantum

    Report a player - 774, 737 - GTA RP

    Hi Vlad  I was 737 in this report just for context. Bit of a shame to see this report up but anyway atleast the OOC abuse stopped shortly after the situation. I appreciate you apologising for it however. As stated in side chat it was an honest mistake we genuinely did try to get you help we...
  2. OriginalQuantum

    Report a player - Zyco - Coalition - GTA RP

    Hi all So the evidence Zycho is claiming to have is a recording of my home desktop (Id prefer this not shared publicly as I'm sure you understand).  The clip shows the interactions Zycho was having with us on discord while downed and those involved in the clip weren't actually online (Clip...
  3. OriginalQuantum

    Fighting from vehicles discussion and poll

    Why not also force head armour to use first person on foot, means the use of head armour is situational over making yourself a tank. Removes the op meta of it also while it still being useful given the circumstances your fighting.
  4. OriginalQuantum

    Unban Appeal - OriginalQuantum - GTA RP

    To my knowledge I believed there was only a 2minute silence in which I didn't intervene or anything during this I stood on top of my car for quite some time and then once that had concluded to my knowledge I proceeded to drive around and await people exiting the event. As stated above me driving...
  5. OriginalQuantum

    Unban Appeal - OriginalQuantum - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for OriginalQuantum  In-game Name: Derek Brown Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198276006803 Ban ID: !!rpuk10097!! Reason given for your ban: C1.7 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned due to actions which was taken as insensitive...
  6. OriginalQuantum

    Always forget the other half.. 

    Always forget the other half.. 
  7. OriginalQuantum

    Report a player - 265 - GTA RP

    I'm interested in this statement as I believe I intended to speak and never ended up doing so my microphone is enabled on my recordings and my accent is very distinctive(Some Irish charm). However I may be wrong on this and if I did end up speaking however the lines I was supposed to of stated...
  8. OriginalQuantum

    Report a player - 265 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Derek Brown Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 265 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 09/03/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1945 What best describes this incident ?: (G1.5) Powergaming -...
  9. OriginalQuantum

    Bosh's Trucks

    +1 I love trucks bring an ATM so I can spend all my money there.    I can already hear Convoy playing on the jukebox on repeat 
  10. OriginalQuantum

    Vehicle Handling Feedback

    Car: FMJ Class: [S Class] - Super Type: Local Super Car Top Speed Stock: 120mph  Top Speed Maxed: 125mph   Just purchased one of these stunning cars to be completely let down by the top speed definitely needs an improvement as otherwise the cars a beauty. With the current speed it...
  11. OriginalQuantum

    AutoCare Not loading in.

    This was at 9pm taken an hour after restart 
  12. OriginalQuantum

    AutoCare Not loading in.

    Have noticed the issue recently that sometimes when you enter AutoCare it dosent load at all no matter what you do.  Only fix is to close the game and reopen it.  Heard alot of people having this issue so thought id report it. 
  13. OriginalQuantum

    Volvo 850R Door Bug

    Looking to know if someone can look into fixing the doors on the Volvo 850R very rarely they work.  To use the other seats you need to get into the driver seat and change seats then you teleport out the car.  Video attached showing the issue  
  14. OriginalQuantum

    PDM Grand Opening of new ownership

    I defintely had the best pants on the night anyway. 
  15. OriginalQuantum

    Compensation Request - OriginalQuantum - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Derek Brown Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198276006803 The date when this happened: 05/29/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: I arranged to meet up with this guy and purchase a vehicle as the event was still settling down and everyone was in the...
  16. OriginalQuantum

    Report a player - 289 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Derek Brown Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 289 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 05/29/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2230 What best describes this incident ?: G2.4 Value of Life...
  17. OriginalQuantum

    Route 68 Harmony Shop.

    @NormanNow its letting me puchase but giving me a blank screen. Tried a few times even resetui and retry.  Have tried going sleep and coming back also. 
  18. OriginalQuantum

    Route 68 Harmony Shop.

    @Norman Yeah does that prevent you? I will leave it and test. 
  19. OriginalQuantum

    Route 68 Harmony Shop.

    Hi Guys. Was looking around at the shops and came across this shop being available to purchase. I have tried to purchase via bank and also with cash and it errors out. I spoke to a few guys and they said they tried it a while back and got the same error so assuming a restart wouldnt fix the...