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  1. Jabi

    ANPR showing driver having no licence incorrectly

    Steam ID: 76561199098026160 Character ID: 54416 When did this happen: 01/21/23 Summary: ANPR showing driver having no licence incorrectly Full Description: When ANPR'ing some Taxi's it comes back as the driver having no licence. Once checking on the PNC it shows they actually do...
  2. Jabi

    It hard to trust peoples because peoples think i weird becasuse i got disability

    Think you're on the wrong site sunshine, it's not the kind of Roleplay you're after. Maybe try Reddit or something 👍
  3. Jabi

    It hard to trust peoples because peoples think i weird becasuse i got disability

    Glad to read you won't be doing sex 
  4. Jabi

    Speed Camera Operator Profession

    Could get paid per flash maybe. And add an instance where you must get out of the van to clean the lens. Perfect opportunity to hold up the operator and destroy film or something similar. Could be interesting not sure how much it would get used though.
  5. Jabi

    When does everyone put their Christams trees up?

    What on earth is Christmas soda?
  6. Jabi

    Nanny Mavis

    Hahaha brilliant. I'm sure you will talk them round with your wit!
  7. Jabi

    Nanny Mavis

    Aw yeah think I gave her a lift to the hospital in my police car. Was only short interaction but funny and a nice change 
  8. Jabi

    Adam Busy

    I like melodic way he reads rights
  9. Jabi

    Staff Lead Stuart

    More than deserved! Congrats Stuart.
  10. Jabi

    This is it...

    All the best Tommy
  11. Jabi

    Phones and Radios

    You could maybe make a sat phone... Or purchase one for an obscene amount
  12. Jabi

    Is this acceptable rp

    My apologies 👍
  13. Jabi

    Is this acceptable rp

    This was 19 days ago.
  14. Jabi

    Is this acceptable rp

    Has this been stewing on your mind for 3 weeks?  This was me, it wasn't great RP if I am being honest I logged off soon after the situation ended (from what I remember anyway). You'd been harassing me for a while before hand, following me around etc in which I told you to stop following, whilst...
  15. Jabi

    One less Cowboy

    That's a big shame. Really enjoyed your RP along with Cletus! Some of my favourite to deal with on the server!
  16. Jabi


    Great guy until he pissed in the back of the traffic car 
  17. Jabi

    Allow running whilst in handcuffs & zipties.

    I think it's a good idea but shouldn't be a full speed run as technically you need your arms to run as fast as you can. On a separate note the ability to headbutt while cuffed would be good.. 😃
  18. Jabi

    Siren DELTA - Life Invader - 04/09/22

    Cheers. Shame we had to move PD due to the fire really as I think we could have grilled Siren more but time restraints and all that 😃  Top marks anyway your interview was great 
  19. Jabi

    RPUK Le Mans Event

    Great fun
  20. Jabi

    Crashing at Autocare

    Crashed yesterday and the day before. Usually just as I approach the petrol station from the police station.