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    229 x Power St. PDM (Grand Reopening)

    Lets gooo 229 PDM
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    Real Estate

    Brief Summary: A "Real Estate" building / app / city hall NPC that show's market listings for available properties. Could even go as far as making it a "job" for players who can become Realtors. Detailed Suggestion: I think a "Real Estate" building / app / city hall NPC that show's market...
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    Clothing Additions 2.0 (IMPORT DAY)

    When Joseph Sweeney gets his hand on a Tech Fleece there will be carnage.
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    Report a player - 66 & 163 - GTA RP

    I was 116, didnt see the edit, my apologies.
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    Report a player - 66 & 163 - GTA RP

    Am I being reported or are you just stating my involvement? cus Im not aware of any rules i've broken.
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    Report a player - Jake Woods - GTA RP

    Hello, I was involved in these situations too, and would like to start of by saying that I believe this is a revenge / witchunt report since we called you to ts last night and exclaimed we would be taking further action.  I would like to start of by exclaiming that none of these clips really...
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    Report a player - 438 - GTA RP

    Hello, You can close this report, I have spoken with staff @ghstieand he explained to me if its a 1v1 situation you can take those chances. Thanks
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    Report a player - 438 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Joseph Sweeney Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 438 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/24/03 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1550 What best describes this incident ?: NVL Please (in...
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    Hence why I said Arma was shooty shooty and something similar could be added. Im not saying add the whole "please place your hands up or I will be forced to take lethal action" bullshit, im saying some quality rp would have to be given, and if the involved parties dont feel like any quality rp...
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    Guess who's back youngest sav, 229 with the guns get slapped 😜

    Guess who's back youngest sav, 229 with the guns get slapped 😜
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    how can one seem so educated but so... yeah, at the same time. If I post an idea, regardless of how many downvotes, I'm going to say my opinion? I knew these arguments would be brought up prior to posting this thread. I knew there would be die hard roleplayers who would rather walk around in...
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    San Andreas Royal Park Rangers

    is this the roleplay i've heard such wise tales about?
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    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for saying "take it to ts" every time someone talks in OOC 💤
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    Report a player - 482 - GTA RP

    In my opinion no type of events warrant a rulebreak, but considering the events that happened were only made poor by yourself committing such acts, I think its significantly worse in this instance. It was made clear to me that you only had value for your items and note roleplay in teamspeak...
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    Report a player - 482 - GTA RP

    I was the first initial person in this situation. I came to ts with you to discuss the reason and after a short while of my arguing your poor ideas you left. Here is a run down of what happened in my eyes. I had just came out of hospital and start a verbal argument with a man (guy in camo who...
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    I disagree with the person who laughs at people that have to make reports cus someone decided to NVL. 
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    I like the timer for robbing but I dont agree with the police dispatch, maybe in areas there is "Cctv" that alerts police if you rob there, would be cool.
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    obviously everyone would prefer not to get robbed? But it would be stupid having a no risk of loosing items, and from what I get from your response is that you're the type of person that gets titled when RP / situations dont go your way so It would further cater to trolls knowing they have no...
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    The only thing that making them have to drop stuff does is provides poor quality roleplay where people just be cheeky and when you keep shouting "drop all your money" etc they drop it 1 by 1 or go slowly etc. If someone was going to troll and RDM everyone I reckon they would just buy a knife and...
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    Removing items from cuffed / ziptied peoples inventory.

    Brief Summary: Add ability to move stuff from peoples inventory who you've got restrained / cuffed. like police.  Detailed Suggestion: This system would allow you to remove stuff / move stuff to your inventory from players which you have ziptied. This is more realistic as I dont see the point...