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  1. Solgaard

    Members of 'The Lost MC'.

    Can also add that from a Gruppe6 perspective, it is much more enjoyable and a way better time being at the prison, as there is activity there, and a high level of roleplay from Lost! Gotta love it!
  2. Solgaard

    Steel Security Solutions

    Great lads! Glad to be a part this project! 😄 
  3. Solgaard

    Report a player - 40 - GTA RP

    @Stuart Yes, got something from earlier here:  You also see his friend try to kill me and miss multiple times, which in hindsight might be because they are communicating somewhere else without hotmicing, but i have no way of proving this. And in regards to my roleplay stopping. I was...
  4. Solgaard

    Report a player - 40 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Chris Solgaard Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 40 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 07/05/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1615 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please (in...
  5. Solgaard

    Report a Player - Bogdan - RDM (Rejected)

    At 00:04 you run OUT from the building and go BEHIND your truck. At roughly 00:15-00:16 you are spotted RUNNING towards the REAR END of the truck, but stop, and stand CLEARLY behind the truck. At 00:21 you sprint INTO the building to hide, after the shots were fired.
  6. Solgaard

    Report a Player - Bogdan - RDM (Rejected)

    Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Do you not see yourself, the only person not wearing military gear, run behind the truck (from my POV) right as Stefan tells you it's an armed robbery?
  7. Solgaard

    Report a Player - Bogdan - RDM (Rejected)

    What is there to prove? Your friend clearly heard Stefan, since he decided to shoot him, and you did as well. You were behind YOUR TRUCK and CLEARLY not on the other side of the building when this was said. You saying you were inside of the building at the time of initiation is a blatant lie if...
  8. Solgaard

    Report a Player - Bogdan - RDM (Rejected)

    @James_W12345 Here is a video of the RP, where Stefan told them that it was an armed robbery. https://plays.tv/video/5a53d340e6353ca96e/bogdan-rdm-response?from=user  I do not have any video of any threats from MrLongSlong about reporting, though his friend told me in TS afterwards, that if he...
  9. Solgaard

    Merry Christmas 2017

    Merry Christmas everyone! Been great to return to the community after a year of absence to see that the community is just as great as when i left!
  10. Solgaard


  11. Solgaard


  12. Solgaard

    Report a Player - HuleMads and Sharkgaming - Other

    Your In-game name Solgaard Name of the player(s) you are reporting HuleMads and Sharkgaming Date of the incident 12/23/2015 Time of the incident (GMT) 1330 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 2 Please (in detail) describe the...
  13. Solgaard

    Compensation Request - Solgaard

    In-game Name: Solgaard Steam ID: 76561198078856797 Date this happened: 12/21/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: There was a server crash about 5pm. Me and my gang had robbed a couple of people at the weed field and were driving off with the weed...
  14. Solgaard

    Compensation Request - Solgaard

    In-game Name: Solgaard Steam ID: 76561198078856797 Date this happened: 12/18/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Link to report: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/44222-report-a-player-ph-chan-and-pggunman-rdm/ As seen in the video. I placed a...
  15. Solgaard

    Compensation Request - Solgaard

    @JohnJoeegan Edidence of gear: http://plays.tv/video/567535aee79e4ae6d3 Report: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/44247-report-a-player-domenico-rdm/
  16. Solgaard

    Compensation Request - Solgaard

    @JohnJoeegan Yes i have reported and action has been taken. I am going to find a video or screenshot of the gear now
  17. Solgaard

    Secret Santa 2015

    I agree. They did a fantastic job! :D
  18. Solgaard

    Compensation Request - Solgaard

    In-game Name: Solgaard Steam ID: 76561198078856797 Date this happened: 12/18/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: We accidentely crashed into an offroad. And he basically just killed me and Summers. (You might want to turn down volume at the end...
  19. Solgaard

    Secret Santa 2015

    No problem bro ;) I just love giving man :P
  20. Solgaard

    Secret Santa 2015

    Gave a very "special" gift (in my opionion) to @SGT Drama Lama. Made me so happy that he was so excited about it :P Also got a great gift myself from @crazyone which was amazing :P