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  1. JustIan12

    Report a player - Alex Jones - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Light [RZE] Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Alex Jones Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 15/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1720 What best describes this incident ?: RDM / Baiting Please (in detail)...
  2. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    Hello All, Are you implying that we are making all of this up. The reactions of both of my clan mates. There was 5 of you on at the time why don't one of you upload your perspective of the events and prove us wrong. If you are confident that you did not break the rules please feel free to...
  3. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    For Gods Sake, You really want to keep lying Tom? Here is more video evidence. https://lowkey.gg/v/19b30eda-96be-4fc5-8508-b347eec992d8 https://lowkey.gg/v/c72192be-d215-490a-910d-a010fd9e4349 https://lowkey.gg/v/e3c3b93d-9b56-4a66-a5f6-1f00ef75c4c9 Kindest, Light
  4. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    Hello Tom, "We run over them for campers like you and if we hit u let use get up so" - Your Gang Leader "no never but our gang drives over every bush so we dont get rouched" - Also your Gang Leader "Yes he and the other gang members drove down bushes to look for roaches but thats...
  5. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    Hello Crimzon, Your Gang members & Leader have said time and time again, that you use running over bushes as a tactic. In this thread. and the screenshots provided. As Percy said, it is all written here how you stop people "rouching" you. Not all evidence, needs to be in video format...
  6. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    Hello Bwenzi, You were running over bushes to expose a player knowing that this would knock them down. In this situation these two actions are not mutually exclusive. To then kill them after you revealed their location using this method. I would like to hear the admins take on the situation if...
  7. JustIan12

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    @Jolly, Thank you for establishing that the "Group in Area" feature is not metagaming. My first question is, Is using an armoured vehicle in a red zone to run over bushes & by extension hitting other players in said bushes for the sake of "exposing them" to kill them considered VDM. my...
  8. JustIan12

    Report a Player - Geroge Brown - Poor/Low Quality RP

    That statement would hold validity if there was not video evidence of me asking you to hop on TS, but that enough said. I'm not here to argue the admins can reach their verdict.
  9. JustIan12

    Report a Player - Geroge Brown - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Excuse me? https://plays.tv/s/MFomX9vMcjlw I messaged you once, before my security level allowed me to join, then once after specifying the room. I was in the London room, I even told you before. And even then you become interested after I post this report. If you want more footage of me...
  10. JustIan12

    Report a Player - Geroge Brown - Poor/Low Quality RP

  11. JustIan12

    Report a Player - nud - RDM

    To avoid any more confrontation, I support the statement above however, I don't necessarily appreciate the methods used... During our recorded conversation... We agreed on compensation between 1.2 and 1.4 mil (depending on whether the two diamond perks gave you 50% extra or 25% extra money.)...
  12. JustIan12

    Report a Player - nud - RDM

    @Colonel Paulo, do you want me to compensate you for what happened and we can reach an agreement. - Ian
  13. JustIan12

    Report a Player - nud - RDM

    I was present, for both the events that ensued in TeamSpeak and for the actual event. And I can support the above statement. - Ian
  14. JustIan12

    Compensation Request - -Shadow- (Complete)

    A few more details I think he forgot to add @-Shadow-  Time: 20:50 ish And here is the evidence I have http://plays.tv/video/5a27175ee53fce8d5c/comp-evidence
  15. JustIan12

    Christmas Spirit

  16. JustIan12

    Report a Player - The Gang [NF] - RDM (Report Rejected)

    https://plays.tv/video/5a23d3c7835b790f01/evidense This is the latest evidence and please reply with evidence of you saying what you claim you said in regards to 'this is a robbery'
  17. JustIan12

    Report a Player - The Gang [NF] - RDM (Report Rejected)

    First of all, comping someone is NOT an excuse or justification for breaking the rules. It is essentially bribery and as I have said before and in other reports. Its fine if you do it once and there was a misunderstanding and you comp someone but not fine if your clan breaks the rules several...
  18. JustIan12

    Report a Player - The Gang [NF] - RDM (Report Rejected)

    Well, I don't need to say anything considering if you were not in the wrong. why would you then revive us and comp us. I have further evidence of this further down the line. @Hingsy your friend did not say it was a robbery remotely. Leading up to 10 seconds all he said was 'Put your hands up we...
  19. JustIan12

    Report a Player - The Gang [NF] - RDM (Report Rejected)

    The Most Recent Report from Me: https://plays.tv/video/5a23d3c7835b790f01/evidense I know I spelt it incorrectly :p Other Reports if Needed: https://plays.tv/s/LXAubD1N8YW5 I don't want to ban anybody I just want an admin to speak to the leader so that situations like this can be avoided.
  20. JustIan12

    Report a Player - The Gang [NF] - RDM (Report Rejected)

    I am uploading the video as well as compiling all the other evidence.