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  1. Unknown

    Raiding Evidence locker

    The ability to be able to get inside the police station and steal stuff that is inside the evidence locker, stuff like weapons, dirty money etc...
  2. Unknown

    Hiding in cars

    When I press 'E' to hide in the back of a car sometimes it works and sometimes I fall though the map spawn get teleported next to the car and fall down again in a loop.
  3. Unknown

    Delivery Hub Fuel Run

    With more testing it seems like when you cancel a delivery job and get a new one when you have test on your screen telling you that you failed the delivery/ damaged the tank, then the new tank would not have a timer or count as a job.
  4. Unknown

    Delivery Hub Fuel Run

    1. When I drive to 'Place marked in photo' the fuel tank gets stuck and will not move which stops the trucks movement, you have to detach it and get a new one. And the fuel tank which is stuck doesn't disappears when I get a new tank. 2. When I damage the fuel tank sometimes it doesn't get...
  5. Unknown


  6. Unknown

    too bad....

    too bad....
  7. Unknown

    Did you get me and Adam doing a social experiment on cctv?

    Did you get me and Adam doing a social experiment on cctv?
  8. Unknown

    Report a Player - M1zT - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Your In-game name Andreas Name of the player(s) you are reporting M1zT Date of the incident 03/12/1970 Time of the incident (GMT) 14 What best describes this incident ? Poor/Low Quality RP Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Server 2 Please (in detail) describe the...