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  1. Winter'Mae

    Report a player - Skyla-James King and Unknown - GTA RP

    First patrol or not you still had the chance to liaise with us, would not hurt you or you roleplay to end the patrol early to deal with this problem instead you waited pretty much almost 3 hours after to write up a report, even the next day you could of quite literally tagged me in The roleplay...
  2. Winter'Mae

    Report a player - Skyla-James King and Unknown - GTA RP

    @ItZ oChLO x Can you talk us though the message you sent to Chris at 00:45 on March 18th? - I just want to understand what you mean by the "was all part of us to get rushed what we wanted”. The Reason I messaged Chris was because we knew either way, we were either going to get shot or rushed...
  3. Winter'Mae

    Report a player - Skyla-James King and Unknown - GTA RP

    Good Morning, I am Skyla, when you watch the video yes you can clearly see that me and my friend placed Chris Loveridge into zip ties not for the fact of taking him "Hostage" but to restrain him from completing medical treatment as the roleplay for Skyla was to to be the one giving medical...
  4. Winter'Mae

    Unban Appeal - ItZ oChLO x - GTA RP

    it only says (c1.2): but from what i said i would think it was Discrmination, I shouldnt have said it but i honestly hand on heart didnt mean to say it at all, due to what was going on in real life, it really scrambled my head while i was talking to the police too at the same time, i hope this...
  5. Winter'Mae

    Unban Appeal - ItZ oChLO x - GTA RP

    the date you got banned: i meant to put the 03/03/2021 
  6. Winter'Mae

    Unban Appeal - ItZ oChLO x - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for ItZ oChLO x  In-game Name: Chloe Swift Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199136160433 The date you got banned: 07/08/97 Member of the team that banned you: Drew Reason given for your ban: c1.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i broke my arm in...