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  1. Richard

    Report a player - Steve Kruger // ID: 372 - GTA RP

    @Jordan I would say so, yes.
  2. Richard

    Report a player - 72 - GTA RP

    @Mystix  - sorry about that, I just realised I only put one clip 
  3. Richard

    Report a player - 280 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 280 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/25/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1755 What best describes this incident ?: Combat Logging /...
  4. Richard

    Report a player - Gavin Shipman // 82 - GTA RP

    Something to add also, he knew he was down and it is clear to me that he had the plan of respawning to avoid arrest as he said “let me stay here for a bit” and when I did put him in cuffs, he said “haha I’m dead bozo” so he was waiting for the timer to drop down so he could have option to respawn.
  5. Richard

    Report a player - Gavin Shipman // 82 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Gavin Shipman // 82 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/24/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1409 What best describes this incident ...
  6. Richard

    Report a player - 72 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 72 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/24/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1307 What best describes this incident ?: Exploiting Please...
  7. Richard

    Phone whist driving

    +1 most definitely because I feel as if this should be implemented asap due to people almost dying because of it.
  8. Richard

    Star out storage combination

    +1 to add to the streamer mode as some people do prefer seeing what they are typing (like what Slawek said)
  9. Richard

    Report a player - Steve Kruger // ID: 372 - GTA RP

    So you are exploiting?  Besides, I haven't heard of any bug or anything similar that would link into having your radio still on after being cuffed. Staff can probably confirm/deny this.
  10. Richard

    Report a player - Steve Kruger // ID: 372 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Steve Kruger // ID: 372 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/20/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1855 What best describes this incident...
  11. Richard

    Customising a vehicle

    You’ve probably noticed but make sure you have money on you (in your inventory) to pay for the customisations.
  12. Richard

    Los Santos Remembrance Day & Remembrance Sunday 2 minute Silence

    After only a few months of being in RPUK, it’s amazing to see the history of IRL moments like the World Wars to be translated into a roleplay situation. It really does show how great this community is. Great to see.
  13. Richard

    Police Value of Life

    Sounds like fun! 😃
  14. Richard

    PC Mac Attempted Murder On Probie

    Just by the title it’s sounds like a great video! No offence to all you probies ❤️
  15. Richard


    @GlowStick0121people in game will pouts you in the right direction 
  16. Richard

    Report a player - 175 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 175 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/09/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1733 What best describes this incident ?: Racial slur...
  17. Richard

    Police vehicles to be purchasable for civilian use.

    Any progress on this devs?
  18. Richard

    Christmas Theme.

    I’m really hoping for snow I can’t lie 😂
  19. Richard

    More do in water (please add also your Owen suggestion)

    I will give you a +1 because they are good suggestions but also want to see you happy and give you stuff to do with your boats 🙂 
  20. Richard

    Lucky plucker advert

    You boys are always a laugh hahaha