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  1. Richard


    Adding on to what PJ said, I have had situations where I have been stopped in place for >10 seconds at a time with no way of communicating or seeing anything change. All audio also goes quiet, to the point I thought I had disconnected with the server but fortunately not. Previously when the...
  2. Richard

    Street Gang Pocket Bandanas

    Could add variety to outfits! +1
  3. Richard

    Tire Nutz 2.0 features

    I must say TireNutz are a great group of people who love to interact in general, choosing RP over in game items. For that I feel like it’s almost a necessity for me to give this a +1!
  4. Richard

    (G4.4) When you are revived/downed:

    +1   I completely agree with the fact that it feels like it is an ongoing situation that doesn’t have an end to it. RP would be more immersive in my opinion as you don’t have the same people returning time and time again. A way to combat the con of staff monitoring, make sure to get ID’s.
  5. Richard

    The ability to delete old tweedle accounts

    +1 Although it isn’t easily done deleting Tweedle accounts, it is possible. Now may I say to begin with, don’t go messaging Devs to get Tweedle accounts removed as they have many other things to worry about. But yes as you may have guessed it, the only way to remove them would be through...
  6. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    Video I will be referencing to: https://youtu.be/WNlCjes3wmA   At 0:16 on the YouTube video shows 16:14 from the NVIDIA Capture, this is where Harvey is checking in (relevant information for later). As we skip forward to 0:21 on the video, we see Jake Woods clearly dumped in the water at...
  7. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    I have gotten footage. I will reply soon.
  8. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    @MerekI am working on it. IRL stuff coming up showing a problem to even turn on my PC.
  9. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    We will wait staff decision. 
  10. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    As I have said previously, nothing today was relevant to any RDM accusation, instead it was from the 20.02.22. 1) I'm not your "bro" 2) Quite clearly that is not my issue because either way you aren't following the rule. I believe your intention was to come back to turf and you used the Trojan...
  11. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    Sure, not a problem but I am not reporting you for this. Irrelevant to what the report is about. I am fine and I understand why you hit Harvey, not a problem with that OOC. The RDM was about the 20.02.22 when you stabbed Cammy, nothing relating to the situation today (check subtitles mate)...
  12. Richard

    Report a player - 82 | Jake Woods - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Gee Ramirez Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 82 | Jake Woods Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/25/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1200 What best describes this incident ?: NLR /...
  13. Richard

    Switchblade bug

    If crouching doesn’t work, pull out another melee weapon e.g. pull out a baton if you are police/flashlight if you’re crim.  I have only tried it once before so you’d have to confirm with me!
  14. Richard

    UK Road signs and furniture

    +1 To add on to this, Europe Roads would definitely compliment these signs nicely! https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/roads-of-europe
  15. Richard

    Rumble At The Ranch

    It’s almost time…
  16. Richard

    Report a player - See report - GTA RP

    @StuartApologies as I don’t have evidence either because my NVIDIA only saved the last 8 mins but it was well after the situation. 
  17. Richard

    Compensation Request - richarddias - GTA RP

    @TheCap Apologies. 76561199184003129 Should be the correct one. 
  18. Richard

    Compensation Request - richarddias - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Gee Ramirez Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199184003136 The date when this happened: 02/11/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was driving towards Fallen Angels from Triad's Turf to deliver a repair kit as Bandz had broken down. I ended up...
  19. Richard

    Make the pink cage the Singh motel and make it usable to rent rooms

    As one of the Singhs, I would appreciate this being implemented! 