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  1. Vinny

    Inspector bobby holden

    Admittingly, always a pleasure to run into Mr Holden! +1
  2. Vinny

    The Occult Bonfire Night

    Great evening, thanks to all those involved! :)
  3. Vinny

    Auto Exotic x The Occult

    Thanks to all those involved! Great event! 🔥
  4. Vinny

    Community Improvements (speak your mind)

    There seems to be a large sense of entitlement from the community at the moment. Some of the stuff I see on the forums and discord is similar to the threads you see after a triple A title launches and it’s fucked, apart from the difference being you’ve actually paid for the triple A title so...
  5. Vinny

    Vincent, Tarquin and Harold

    Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for going along with it! Not how I expected it to end, but fun nevertheless! 😂
  6. Vinny


    It was you who requested it! I stuck it on and it brought back memories instantly. Nice touch! 😂
  7. Vinny

    GTA RP - Guns not firing.

    I think this is because of the anti ghost peaking stuff in place. I sometimes wonder if this is the cause of this problem unintentionally, as even shooting through a fence (with slats), or around a lamppost can cause this to activate.
  8. Vinny


    Thanks to all those involved, it was a good laugh. Thanks to Dredd for being in the wrong place at the wrong time 😂 Sometimes it's fun to switch it up and simply make a scenario for a laugh.
  9. Vinny

    Job Clock-ins @ Paleto Town Hall

    +1 Although having the ability to clock in at Paleto City Hall would be a good start, I think having a mechanic depot and taxi depot up in Paleto would be even better.
  10. Vinny

    "Change of Clothes" bag

    I agree with the placement idea and DNA being found on the bag, that makes sense. It means people have to be stood still to change and gives police the chance to follow up on RP if they find a clothes bag by tracing the DNA. However, I think you should be able to switch between the two outfits...
  11. Vinny

    "Change of Clothes" bag

    Brief Summary: The ability to carry a bag with a change of clothes in, that can be used to switch between an outfit. Detailed Suggestion: At the moment, the only way you can change clothes is by accessing a wardrobe or using the clothes store. My suggestion would be to add a Clothing Bag...
  12. Vinny

    Add a proximity check to sanitation trucks

    Couple of months ago everyone was complaining that you have to grind for hours upon hours to make money, now the complaint seems to be that people are getting rich too fast. Without a full economy wipe, I don't think you're ever going to be able to re-balance the scales. However, illegal jobs...
  13. Vinny

    Body Armour Changes

    This is likely slightly moving away from the suggestion at hand, but the armour & leather market is in a bit of a pickle at the moment. There aren’t enough hunters around, therefore the price of leather has risen up from £350 per piece (12 months ago) to around £700 per piece, whilst the price...
  14. Vinny

    Change Gusenberg Sweeper magazine size

    Then why does it use LMG ammo? :unsure:
  15. Vinny

    Change Gusenberg Sweeper magazine size

  16. Vinny

    Cabana Cartel/Bahama Mama's

    Sad to see something different being lost. Had many a good interaction with the Cabana Cartel and Hugo. 💔
  17. Vinny

    The whole of The Occult

    Thank you!❤️🔥