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  1. JD_

    Player Request Timed Out

    Hi, Whenever I try to join onto the server for some reason it loads for a little while and then comes up with a screen saying "Player request timed out" and was wondering if there was an admin that could help.
  2. JD_

    Player Request Timed Out

    Hi, Whenever I try to join onto the server for some reason it loads for a little while and then comes up with a screen saying "Player request timed out" and was wondering if there was an admin that could help.
  3. JD_

    Un-ban Appeal - CharlieBabonday - 09/09/2016 (Unbanned)

    Yes I am ready t o follow the rules and i will not act as I previously had. Thank you
  4. JD_

    Un-ban Appeal - CharlieBabonday - 09/09/2016 (Unbanned)

    If I was to become unbanned and happened to find myself caught in the same situation I would reflect on what previously happened and keep calm and act maturely as possible and ensure that I don't make the same mistake again.
  5. JD_

    Un-ban Appeal - CharlieBabonday - 09/09/2016 (Unbanned)

    Yes I am aware that this is an adult community as said in the rules of the server and I am sorry for not acting as  I should have and as I usually do which is a mature fashion and I let the moment get the best of me and at the age of 17 I shouldn't have and I am sorry and I will not make  a...
  6. JD_

    Un-ban Appeal - CharlieBabonday - 09/09/2016 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name [GSW] Charlie Babonday Steam ID 76561198080058609 The date of your ban. 06/12/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Drew Reason given for your ban. Out Of RP Insults The Server you initially were banned on. Server 2 In your own words, please type why you think you...
  7. JD_

    Apex DLC

    Sounds great! Looking forward to it! :D
  8. JD_

    Apex DLC

    Do you guys have any plans on creating a life server on the new map in the future as I think it would be very interesting to see how it works as a lfie map ;D
  9. JD_

    Police Interview

    What questions are generally asked in a police interview as I am considering applying.
  10. JD_

    The great sale of altis?

    Thanks for informing me ;D
  11. JD_

    The great sale of altis?

    there has been a rumour that there is going to be a great sale today on the island of altis and I was wondering if this rumour is actually true or not. Thanks