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  1. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Good morning @Tyree I hope you are well? I have a couple of questions for you. In your previous appeal, why did you lie to staff? This isn't your first C2.3 ban. Why should we entertain this, when you clearly haven't learned the lesson from the past one? I would think you would have known...
  2. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - incel - GTA RP

    Good morning @incel I hope you are well! After reading through your appeal, I'm going to give you a second chance here - please do not make me regret that decision. You are fully aware of the consequences, both from the game and how it can negatively impact others. If you are found to be...
  3. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - incel - GTA RP

    So, why would you want to test something as such? How can I be sure you won't attempt to tip-toe your way around the rules we have here in hopes of finding a loop hole? Another example for Common sense would be jumping off a bridge, just because the game mechanic may see you survive - doesn't...
  4. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - incel - GTA RP

    Afternoon @incel - I'm not too bad, thanks! Another day in paradise! Thanks for your reply, now let's get into a few more questions :D Then why use language as such? What was your thought process upon saying / typing these things? To further C1.7 - can you give me an example of what you think...
  5. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - connor32 - GTA RP

    Good morning @connor32 I hope you are well today. Bans under C2.3 come with an automatic 1 month Cooldown. Since you were banned on the 17/07/24 - you cannot appeal until 17/08/24. I'll also give you some help; Don't lie - your PC definitely didn't crash. Put more effort into your next...
  6. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - incel - GTA RP

    Afternoon @incel I hope you are well? Let's get into this, shall we? Firstly, we appreciate the effort you've put into your appeal this time. From reading through your appeal, you have grasped the severity of your actions, and hopefully, understand how it can affect others. Regardless if it...
  7. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - neon110s - GTA RP

    Good morning @neon110s I hope we are well today. Firstly, I'd like to state that 'your game crashed' isn't the case. Try being a bit more truthful. Secondly, a little more effort into the appeal can go a long way. Finally, bans under C2.3 come with a 1 month cooldown. You may re-appeal...
  8. Violet_

    Report a player - Not sure didnt grab their ID's - GTA RP

    @Michael Washington @Price - Robz Did you both manage to Liaise with one another?
  9. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - sykes7861 - GTA RP

    Timed out. Please open a new appeal once you have time to respond. DENIED.
  10. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Mr. Ahr - GTA RP

    Good evening @Mr. Ahr I'm going to extend the olive branch here, based off of your replies. I do hope with this, you take into account the seriousness coming off this ban. If found to be banned under the same reason, your chances of coming back after that would be very slim, to none. As it...
  11. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - sykes7861 - GTA RP

    @sykes7861 Please respond soon, or this appeal will be timed out, and you will have to open a new one.
  12. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Mr. Ahr - GTA RP

    Good morning @Mr. Ahr Thank you for the reply. I hope we are well? Was you ever aware of what was happening? If so, why didn't you mention it to the RPUK staff team? I assume you plan to find your old friends within our server, should you be unbanned. But what plans do you have for a character?
  13. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - fatskin19921 - GTA RP

    Good afternoon @fatskin19921 While I appreciate you have waited out the month cool down, this appeal lacks any form of effort. Feel free to try again. Declined.
  14. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Hektor_Unban - GTA RP

    Good afternoon @Hektor_Unban I hope we are well? Whilst I appreciate the effort and time you've put into this appeal, C1.6 bans aren't handed out for no reason. You have been found to be disruptive and harmful to the community, thus the decision was made for the ban. And the reasons behind it...
  15. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - neo8445 - GTA RP

    Good afternoon @neo8445 If you were aware of our rules before playing here, you would understand why you were banned. Coupled with the lack of effort, this appeal will not be entertained. DECLINED.
  16. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Mr. Ahr - GTA RP

    Good morning @Mr. Ahr You state you have some friends that you wish to join our server with - and this is the only place you'd like to be - Yet why did you violate our trust back on ARMA, how can we be so sure you're only wanting to come back to then go on and do exactly what lead you to be...
  17. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Pipin - GTA RP

    Good morning @Pipin I hope we are well today! After looking over your appeal, I can only hope you have indeed learnt your lesson, as you have explained well to us about the rule. So today, I will be extending the olive branch and allowing you the chance to play on the server again. However...
  18. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Makk4veli - GTA RP

    Good evening @Makk4veli I hope we are well? I've taken into consideration your appeal, and have decided to offer the olive branch and unban you today. Please take some time to read over our rules, both GTA RP Rules, and Community Rules, to familiarize yourself with them before jumping onto...
  19. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - TONY FERGUSON - GTA RP

    @TONY FERGUSON Good morning! Given your responses, and whilst I appreciate your honesty and admitting to another instance in which you broke the same rule, I don't think you've quite learned your lesson yet. You may say you have changed, or are different now, that you read all the rules, but...
  20. Violet_

    Unban Appeal - Makk4veli - GTA RP

    @Makk4veli Again, respond soon - I won't keep tagging you here until you respond. Or this appeal will be timed out.