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  1. PLF Wolf

    Am I reading this right?

    Im waiting....... Also @Wilco GTA5 will more than likely be moddable! ps4 and xbox is moddable after all :)
  2. PLF Wolf

    VDM followed by a combat store. (Rejected - Rule change inbound)

    Very untrue as i told u on ts we just tax, we only chop if people are dicks, we had no reason to kill you.
  3. PLF Wolf

    VDM followed by a combat store. (Rejected - Rule change inbound)

    How do you know its us? dont have my squad tags on my chopper.
  4. PLF Wolf

    VDM followed by a combat store. (Rejected - Rule change inbound)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Vertigo   Time & Date this happened: 13:20ish 12/1/15   Description of what happened: PLF and GC had manned the checkpoint, we spotted a hemmt box scouting us and turn to run, we gave chased, meow drove up ahead giving ample warnings, and...
  5. PLF Wolf

    Epoch Server Poll V2 (Poll Closed)

  6. PLF Wolf

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for being a space monkey
  7. PLF Wolf

    Can bounty hunters team up with each other?

    Bountys hunters can, maybe in groups of 3 i wouldn say more than 3.
  8. PLF Wolf

    Identity (kickstarter)

  9. PLF Wolf

    No reason (Denied - No response)

    It also says do NOT comment unless you have any evidence or anything useful to say.
  10. PLF Wolf

    One word story.

  11. PLF Wolf

    One word story.

  12. PLF Wolf

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for writing so much.
  13. PLF Wolf

    Kral_k, Robb., Fire, (Bae, JimJam, Ryan, robbie, Butch Cassidy = ?)

    Is Kral not a cop? cops cant rob people Oo
  14. PLF Wolf

    One word story.

  15. PLF Wolf

    Not a server ban but IDK where to ask. (Denied)

      Rule 10: Advertising   5A) Advertising other Altis Life servers/community's is a bannable offensive on our server/website/ts with no ban appeal.   5B) Advertising any products / websites is bannable   5C) Advertising any other teamspeak than TS.ALTISLIFE.CO.UK on our teamspeak/website/server...
  16. PLF Wolf

    One word story.

  17. PLF Wolf

    Bring Epoch To Stratis

    just need a different map Altis is really poor for it.
  18. PLF Wolf

    How are we doing? & How Can We Improve (Open Topic)

    spikes!, My desync varys last night as Medic, i was having this jittery lag, was like rubber banding but every second constantly going on and on and on till i stopped driving, even then, i tried to talk to an officer and it was like" HI m na s hank, ow r ay" which makes it impossible to play as...