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  1. PixelHeart

    Accidents and Near Misses

  2. PixelHeart

    Nicola is done with life 😉 [ATTACH]

    Nicola is done with life 😉
  3. PixelHeart

    Live Now! Tag

    I like this idea
  4. PixelHeart

    Discord - Twitch channel

    Can there be a channel on the discord just for streamers to post there links. It's nice for us all to share our streams posting them on the general roleplay area they can get kinda lost with all the talk. With having a channel dedicated just to streaming its one place everyone can post there...
  5. PixelHeart

    Weazel News Feed

  6. PixelHeart

    GTA RP Clip - How To Deal With Simps 😉😂 | ROLEPLAY.CO.UK

    @JasonO Thanks, I had a worse problem in a different server. Here is not to bad compared.  Thanks really hope I do well.
  7. PixelHeart

    Meet Nicola [ATTACH]

    Meet Nicola
  8. PixelHeart

    GTA RP Clip - How To Deal With Simps 😉😂 | ROLEPLAY.CO.UK

    @TheCap my character name? Nicola Angel 
  9. PixelHeart

    GTA RP Clip - How To Deal With Simps 😉😂 | ROLEPLAY.CO.UK

    @TheCap well good news, my application got accepted. Now to do the interview so fingers crossed. Not sure when yet as I want to read through handbook first. Any advise? 
  10. PixelHeart

    GTA RP Clip - How To Deal With Simps 😉😂 | ROLEPLAY.CO.UK

    @BowenHey, thanks. Yeah it seems to be happen a lot unfortunately. Think they haven't seen many girls on the server. I've actually dealt with worse on another server (which I left as it just wasn't professional RP as this one and the admins were rubbish) I will keep that in mind to contact staff...
  11. PixelHeart

    GTA RP Clip - How To Deal With Simps 😉😂 | ROLEPLAY.CO.UK

    honesty at the start it annoyed me but when he got in my car oh boy.......was that fun. XD
  12. PixelHeart

    GTA Roleplay Highlights Part 1
